Chapter 54 - Soft & Cuddly, Evolution?!

Unaware of what transpired during the time I was out, slowly I awakened.

Turning and toiling I noticed something unusual. I wasn't laying on the hard and grassy ground which I had landed on what felt like moments ago. Instead, it was soft and cuddly.

Unaware of how much time had passed, after all this time I finally had a good rest.

Turning around the soft and cuddly texture tickled the sensitive spots on my belly making me giggle in the process. It was weird… I was still in the jungle right?

Then why was I able to be this carefree? My eyes locked by the sticky moisture which gets created by a good night's sleep made it difficult to open them right away.

Still… I tried doing so, struggling in the process I finally succeeded in blinking a couple of times in the process. As I did, my sight got blinded by the light. Had it become day by the time I had awakened? What if my health and energy?

My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light in the area, allowing me to look around and summon my personal information. "Status".

[Due to the survival of certain scenarios the system has conducted certain actions allowing the player to evolve. Please "Mira" check for yourself if you like. Even with these changes you are still allowed to choose your evolutionary route. Having taken into account the possibility of choosing multiple routes, we even added a new and unique one.

So as the system, I advise you to do so.]

Without a second thought in my mind, I checked what the system had proposed to me.

Checking my status, which indeed had changed.

[Ragnoss lv MAX

Tier: II

Name: Mira



HP: 750

MP: 640

SP: 333 (recovery rate 11,3 sp per second)

Armor: 49 (+5) (5,4% (+2%) damage reduction in battle against creatures with the same or lower level than you.)

Physical ATK: 74 – 111

Physical DEF: 32 (+11,3%)

Magical ATK: 24,5

Magical DEF: 24,5 (+11,3%)

STR: 50 (+24) (+50%)

DEX: 86 (+24) (+1)

VIT: 30 (+120)

INT: 40 (+24)

WIS: 40 (+24)

LUK: 15 (+72)

Attribute Points to spend: 20]

Looking at my status not much had changed, yet the system specifically mentioned that something did, could it be it still had to inform me about said change?

Right, when I started thinking about it E.V.E. began talking to me.

[Mira, due to your incredible survivability "Gaia" has chosen to grand you a new and unique evolutionary route, the goddess of fertility, life, and nature has looked into your memories and knows how much you long for the life you had back then.

Granted it will never be the same here in this world, she still wishes for you to gain the opportunity of choice to try and make it work similarly. Would you like to see this evolutionary gift from Gaia?] [Yes]/[No]

"Wow, what have I done to deserve something like a blessing from the mother of nature "Gaia" herself? Could it be, there is more to all of this than meets the eye?"

I thought hard about it, all kinds of things came to mind, like how I could be special,

or how this could prove later on to be bigger than all of us.

"But who am I kidding, right? I'm not special at all, looking back there were thousands similar to me. So why did "Gaia" choose me for this so-called "gift"?

Anyway, I shouldn't look a gifted horse in their mouths, right? That would be rude, especially when I should accept all positive contributions to life, right?

So, Yes! I would like to see what "Gaia" would like to bestow upon me, "Mira" the lizard!

[Thank you for accepting, "Gaia" knew you wouldn't refuse, especially since this will allow you to evolve uniquely and powerfully. Well then, I won't keep you waiting any longer, check out what the gift portrays "Mira".]

The text message of E.V.E. quickly closed followed by another window which quickly opened and introduced itself in almost a similar way as the entire evolutionary route.

[Due to the accumulation of almost three times the necessary amount of experience for evolution, "Gaia" like to introduce the route towards humanoid lizards. Called; Lizard folk.

This special species of "lizard" allows the lizard family to evolve further than they preciously were aware of. Allowing them to learn human speech, walk on two legs and even settle in places where humans are known to coexist. The "Lizard folk" is known to have many different types of diversity, ranking unique in all the previously known evolutions so far.

Choosing this evolutionary route won't stop there either as the lizard folk tend to evolve even further than that, the difference would be for example that one could still gain the evolutionary route of the drakes, wyverns, and dragons, but with the added advantage of "self-awareness, wisdom, and intelligence.]

I couldn't believe what I was reading, could I become more human than I was right now? Could I settle in an area occupied by the human race as well? To be honest I haven't even given the possibility much or any thought till now.

But seeing how Gaia can read one hidden inner emotion, she must have known I truly desired this… Or could it be there was more to it than this?

"Say… E.V.E? What if I choose to take this route, what will happen to all the advantages and powers I had gained so far? Will I lose them? What will happen to my appearance?

Would I still be able to run on all fours? Or behave as I did before?"

[So many questions! Honestly, I don't know myself, the appearance of lizardfolk isn't all that unique, but "Gaia" presenting the option or "possibility" to a player is, most of the creatures in nature need to find their way of evolution which in turn makes them unique as a whole, but never have I seen "Gaia" present the option to a "player" for that matter. I must mean she has plans for you little one…]

"I don't know… It sounds too good to be true if I'm being honest. Then again… It is what I want,

I do want to find a way to settle in a peaceful location and live out my days like that.

Maybe this way, eventually this goal could come through fruition?"

"I guess, I've made up my mind!"

I had made up my mind and wanted to tell E.V.E. I had accepted the offer, but before I could finalize the decision the mountain of soft and cuddly fur began to move. Shaking left and right, suddenly a huge arm came in from above. A-arm with a sharp claw closed in.

Shocked, thinking it came after me I tried to move away. But instead of running,

I fell… Tumbling down the mountain of fur, that was when I saw what it was.

The arm scratched the area where I had been lying and turned around without a care in the world. What I saw was huge, but it had not attacked me yet. Better leave it be, who knows what it would do if it saw me, right?

The mountain of fur belonged to a ginormous ferret. A ferret that was at least twice my size.

A bubble could be seen forming around its nose. It was fast asleep.

Unknown to its intentions or if it even knew I was there, I should better getaway.

Now was not the time to initiate the evolution sequence…

Now was the time to find a safe place to stay. I initiated the run towards a tree trunk,

stopping halfway and looking back at the ferret…

Its fur was nice, soft, and warm, not to mention welcoming after all this time of danger that could lurk around every corner. A place which I could call home for a short while if you will. Looking back once more I saw the ferret curl up in a more comfortable sleeping position. Being this peaceful, one wouldn't want to harm it, right?

The tree was close by, making sure no one else was occupying the tree I shot out a light flare of fire, which caught some small cobwebs, but did not ignite the bask of the tree.

Now, sure that it was safe, I opened the window once more and initiated the evolutionary process, the window welcomed me with a new name that I had not seen before.

[Thank you for accepting the evolutionary route, introducing the lizard folk (Linoss)

your size will be roughly the same, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Arganthes.]

The process was initiated, again I fell into a deep slumber, which did not felt all that long as I have awoken to my new body. My energy was depleted, it appeared I too had grown in size… wiggling my toes and tail. Cracking my neck I blinked slowly opening my eyes,

my new life as a Linoss had only just begun!