Chapter 55 - The Savage Black Terror

I had curled onto my back, trying to get up was quite a struggle, being used to being on all fours. This was what I was used to, getting quickly back on my old habits. Still, taking to heart what was said I tried to stand on two legs, man, that would be quite the challenge. Having finally opened my eyes, something was off. It was all dark where I resided, while I was certain that I had left a small opening. Allowing me to easily open the way from the inside to head outside. But something was blocking the way. Not sure what it was I decided to let my eyes get used to the darkness when suddenly a rumble could be felt all around the tree.

Almost like the earth shook like it did, days ago when I encountered one of the kings?

Thinking back and imagining what that beast was capable of brought shivers down my spine.

The tremors had become more distinct… Something even collided with the tree I had been residing in. Then suddenly I heard an animal cry out. Its cry pierced through bone and marrow. Displaying how to hurt it was…

Worried I shot up, adrenaline rushing through my veins trying to force my way through what once was the entrance to the tree. But no dice… It was blocked off,

not by what I had blocked the way with previously,

but something fluffy… Something which seemed vaguely familiar.

I still couldn't place it… Whatever it was… It didn't seem to budge from its location.

I had to find another way out, quickly! Looking around, behind and above me I found a small shimmer of light, a ray which dropped down gently from above. Without a moment to lose, I climbed up, rushing towards the source of light. Because at the end, where there is light, there must be a way out!

Reaching out to the light, the unthinkable happened, the entire tree cracked in two which send me flying together with the tree. Why was this happening? I still did not know…

Quickly I found out what had crashed into the tree with full force,

it was the ferret that I had been cozily laying on before awakening.

But what was it fighting? And why was it protecting the area I resided in so stubbornly?

As the cracked tree fell, I tried jumping out, which immediately showed me how much I had grown, Before being around half a meter long and a third of the ferret,

now we were almost equal in size… My evolution had succeeded?!

Al though overjoyed there was no time to lose, for some reason the fluffy ferret had been protecting the area I resided in, I didn't know it did so because it knew I was there, but…

Either way, even if it was unintentional it did protect me against what was out there right now. Quickly I jumped out, allowing me to land right next to the ferret.

Looking at it now, it didn't look all that menacing anymore, maybe because there was no real size difference anymore? Its white fur was all bloody, wounds could be seen all over.

"Claw Marks."

I looked in front of me, as there stood its adversary. Not one of the kings, or at least not the Eagle, manticore hybrid which was one of the true terrors of the area… No…

What stood in front of us snarling as we stared death in the eyes was something previously thought to have gone extinct in the world. The animal that came to mind was the African Atlas Bear… Most of its features were distinct from that previously thought extinct animal.

But it couldn't be, right? I mean… This world, although different than the earth, still had its similarities… But this? Like the Eagle manticore… Mandralio, it couldn't be another of the kings, right? Why do I keep calling it an Eagle? Because it can fly? I mean… it's more of a flying lion with vines and plants all over its body… Better keep your mind at the battle at hand "Mira".

I wanted to observe it, finding out possible weaknesses, but the safety of my savior was more important at the moment. When another opportunity presented itself I'd take the chance then, but for now, let's get this helps one to safety first.

Looking at the bear the animal had other distinct features…

Like the fact that it had spiked plating growing out of its shoulders,

which covered the entirety of its back… Truly heavily armored…

This had proven to be a tough opponent for the ferret,

not to mention it would also be for me… Heavy plating all over, even its legs…

But there should be a weakness which should be able to be exploited wouldn't there?

The Ferret was unable to move, exhausted it lay against the remains of the tree,

I knew it was now or never… Badly wounded it collapsed unable to move.

At that moment I used allowing myself to gain the upper hand.

When I searched for answers with quickly it became apparent what kind of animal we were dealing with.

[Observe has been initiated, scanning life form…

Species: Tasmanian Devil

Level: 15

Name; Spiked Black Terror…

Tier; III



HP: 750/1000

MP: 200/350

SP: 100/180

Armor: 35 (Stone & Bone Armor)

Physical ATK: 200 – 230

Physical DEF: 75 – 100

Magical ATK: 40

Magical DEF: 15

STR: 60 (+5)

DEX: 50 (+10)

VIT: 80 (+20)

INT: 15 (+2)

WIS: 10

LUK: 25


A subspecies of the Tasmanian Devil known to have resided within open forests and woodlands. They are known to live in coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forests, and mixed sclerophyll rainforests. Sclerophyll forests are known for their tightly and snugly grown tree families. Such as the jungle one finds itself in now. Usually tends to take shelter during the day and tries to find food during the night.

This is because they are known for their territorial hiding, not wanting to stand out during the day. But… If one has had babies they become very aggressive to those close to their nests which is why they are known as devils in some countries.

The Spiked Black Terror on the other hand has learned to fend for himself during the harsh life experiences of the jungle. Adapting spiked plated armor around its body to not only vend adversaries as they fight but also protect themselves from incoming attacks.

The Spiked Terror has become for savage than ever, becoming somewhat of a leader amongst the smaller wildlife in the ecosystem. Smaller than most wildlife it still can put up quite the fight with its Earth elemental attribute it's able to dig through the de ground,

speeding away or closing in within seconds. Its Arsenal consists not only of elemental-type attacks as its claws can easily rip through the thickest of trees, even being able to slice rocks twice their size in half with ease.

Highly territorial, if possible try to avoid contact at all costs…]

Looking at all the information which presented itself to me, it became clear why the Black Terror was battling the Ferret. Why it was being so savage was because it had been trying to protect it's young all along. Like how the Ferret has been protecting me all this time…

I wish there was a way to talk sense into the beast, that there was no way I or the ferret were aiming for its young… But to make him listen, the beast first needed to be brought back to its senses and I didn't know if I had what it took to take him on…

The challenge presented in front of me was one truly worthy of applying my new form in combat for, I had to pay back the ferret for what it had done for me, protecting me even though we didn't know each other… That truly was a noble thing to do… Kind of reminded me of myself, how I protected the weak before I died miserably in the "other world".

Thinking back that was rather ironic, protecting a woman against those who meant harm without even knowing if it would work out in the end… haha, I must have been stupid…

Yet… To see the same thing happen in the animal kingdom no less…

I must protect the one who tried to protect me, that is the least I could do…

The Spiked Black Terror is only doing what is right as well, although it is extremely savage like the system mentioned… Hopefully, I can find a way to calm it down and gain an ally in the process? Who knows… I better get all the help I can get if it means I'll be surviving throughout this mess…

With newfound courage and inspiration for that matter, I prepared myself for the clash which was about to start between the Spiked Black Terror and me, Mira the Lizard!

For a moment I looked back at the ferret which had been protecting me for no apparent reason,

this truly felt humble to me as this too made me want to protect it in return.

It had given me the time and the opportunity to evolve once more, it was now…

The time to find out what I could do had finally dawned upon the world!