The Unemployed Lovers is a story of young lovers who were born to be soul mates. Usually early marriage results to a broken home or broken family. In this story you will be exposed to a determination how to grow strong despite that they were penniless.
When Czarina's father declared that they were still blood related and should not get married, they eloped when July was twenty years old while Czarina was nineteen years old.
Czarina's dream was discarded and distracted by July's love for her. She had to fulfill her dream to be a four year course graduate. Therefore he was convinced to go back home and be brought to the capital city by her older brother to continue her collegiate training. Her oldest brother came home just to take her back from July. It broke the heart of July. The pain in his heart pushed his tears to pour down on his cheeks from his chinky eyes that spoke many words. Was it because he was unemployed?
Now, it is time for you to answer July's question by reading this love story of July and Czarina, the Unemployed Lovers.