Makoto Sonohara— the new member

"Oh, by the way, Takahashi-san, there's something I need to tell you, " Souta pulls Sachiko aside.

"What is it?" Sachiko asks.

"These three.. they don't actually play video games. Truth is, they joined the club so that they can help me build my dream and I didn't have anyone to count on, so, hope you don't mind?" Souta is waiting for her reply.

"Don't worry, I feel you. Gaming club is my dream, too, and I would've done anything as well."

Sachiko laughs it off, although we do know that Souta initially didn't want Sachiko in his club. And he wanted his friends even though they didn't play any games. See the irony?

"You see, I really love playing video games but I'm already busy with my other club so this is a great excuse as any to escape the tumultuous practices of basketball and play video games, " Souta says.

"I see, I can't blame you though, " Sachiko says.

The club members had further discussions about the club.

Souta is the decided president and Sachiko is the vice president.

After a while, Souta has something to tell all of them.

"Take your official seats, everyone. Toda, not the PC seat! The round table seat, " Souta berates.

They all take their seats, looking confused at Souta.

"What is it, president?" Sachiko asks.

"Many students have applied for our club and I've therefore arranged a time to take their interview. And it's now, " Souta says.

It was really lousy just outside the club, meaning that the students have already come for the interview.

Now, this was a downer for Sachiko. If more members were to join, her chances of getting close to Souta would be slim.

Toda and Hikaru open the door and they barely see any guy. Most of them were girls, having jittery confabulations amongst themselves.

And thus began the interview.


Souta: Do you know what FPS stands for?

Girl 1: Frame per second?

Souta: The other FPS.

Girl 1: U-Uh, I don't know.

Souta: Out. Next!


Souta: So, you play this game? Lemme search up your id.

Boy 1: It's ******.

Souta: Seriously? Twenty successive defeats? Go back to your mom's chamber. Next!

And the interviews ended with them getting rejected. Souta deliberately asked worthless questions because he didn't want any more members to be added. And that is why he set up the interview as well— he didn't want them. Sachiko found that Souta had a lot of knowledge in this field, she found it quite cool. She liked his arrogance, too. She came close to his true nature. He was cruel, unnecessarily cruel but he also didn't care about what others thought of him and that's what impressed her the most. She could see herself falling hard for him.

Twenty-eight candidates were rejected, out of which, only two were male. Obviously, most of them were girls who wanted a piece of Souta.

"I guess that's all, " Souta says in relief.

"Pardon me, I'm late, " a guy comes in, huffing.

"Another one? Jeez, " Souta says, disappointed.

"Please, do come in, " Sachiko says.

The guy is of an average built and medium stature, standing at 5'8. He has dirty blonde hair reaching his jawline, which is parted in the middle. His droopy blue eyes gave a hint of serenity. His smile lit up the gloomy atmosphere created by Souta's rants.

He takes his seat.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Makoto Sonohara of class 1-4, " the kind-looking man says.

"Makoto Sonohara? I feel like I've heard your name, " Souta says, frowning.

"Is it? I don't think so, " Makoto tries to clarify.

"Ah! You're the teen who played in the Dota tournament, " Souta says in an astounded manner.

"Ah, I got caught. Don't make a big deal out of it, though. It's really nothing--"

"A professional gamer at our school! I can't believe it! We totally accept your request, welcome to the club, " Souta whimpers in happiness.

"Ah, thank you for accepting me, " Makoto says, flustered.

And that's how a new member got added to the club. And to the relief of Sachiko, no new competition was added.