Souta's three horsemen

Henceforth, the next week, Sachiko was summoned to the gaming club. There were to be no classes that day because all were to discuss their respective club activities.

Sachiko was nervous about entering the room. She couldn't stop but wonder how would her meeting with Souta be like, and also, who the other members were.

"Pardon my intrusion, " Sachiko says.

When she entered the room, she saw that it was well arranged and some equipment was already there. It was actually Souta who arranged those since he was from an influential family, he bought some PCs for the club. There was also a huge table arranged.

She felt like a show-stopper because all eyes were on her and she was the last to enter amidst a crowd of total strangers.

"You're late, " Souta says.

"I'm sorry, " Sachiko apologizes.

She got a good look at the other club members. There were two guys and a girl. A girl. Souta Honda is friends with a girl? That's what she could think about. She felt as if someone shot an arrow aiming for her heart. It stung.

"Anyway, we didn't introduce ourselves properly the last time, I presume?" Souta says.

"Ah, yes. It's alright."

Somehow, Souta seemed less mean than the last time.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Souta Honda of class 1-3, nice to meet you. Hope we could get along well, " Souta says.

"I'm Sachiko Takahashi of class 1-5, nice to meet you, too, " Sachiko gives her introduction.

"Hey, let me introduce you to the other members of our club. They also happen to be my closest friends, " Souta says.

Souta calls the three of them. There stood three individuals very close to the ice-cold Souta.

"H-Hi, my name is Sachiko Takahashi, guys. Nice to meet you all, " says Sachiko nervously.

"So, first off, this guy right here, " Souta slams the guy's back.

"He's Toda Yoshida of class 1-3, one of my closest friends since middle school."

Toda is a lean guy who is a few inches shorter than Souta, but still, he reached somewhere around Souta's eyes. He is a tan-skinned, amber-eyed cutie. His eyes are full of energy. His sharp nose, chiseled jawline, and protruding chin gave him a very mature look. Even though he doesn't have the over-the-top looks like Souta, Sachiko found him to be quite attractive.

"Hi there! Takahashi, is it? Nice to meet you!" Toda greets Sachiko and gives her his infamous grin.

Sachiko got the idea that he was an easy-going dude because he talked informally the first time they met, although Hanako talked more informally than him in Sachiko's opinion.

"Nice to meet you, too."

"And don't 'san' or 'chan' me, Yoshida would do! I hope to be good friends with you, " Toda says.

Toda's persona was somehow different than Souta's, anybody could notice.

"Okay, Yoshida!" Sachiko replies with the same energy.

The second guy comes forth and introduces himself.

"It is good to meet you, Takahashi-san. Name's Hikaru Tachibana of class 1-2."

Hikaru appears to be the human equivalent of enigma itself. His chin-length hair was slicked-back and ash-grey in color, which seemed fluffy and fragile. His dirty blue eyes looked like he was holding back something very painful. He is the same stature as Souta. Somehow, everyone related to Souta appears to be gorgeous.

"Here's Hikaru, my close friend since elementary school. We went to the same middle school, too, " Souta informs.

"I see. Nice to meet you, Tachibana-san, " Sachiko says, blushing.

And finally, now was the time for Sachiko to meet her rival(or so she thinks).

"Hi! I'm Natsume Minamoto of class 1-3. Nice to meet you, Tachibana-san, " the girl greets Sachiko.

Natsume Minamoto was downright average-looking. She looked out of the box. An average-looking amongst a bunch of hotties, as thought by Sachiko. Her neck-length brown hair is chaotic and her doe brown eyes screamed average. She has a big smile on her face though, maybe that's what made her look cute. She has rosy cheeks like Hanako, as noted by Sachiko, but rosy cheeks complemented Hanako more.

She is of an average built, albeit, quite taller than most Japanese teenage girls, standing at 5'5.

"Nice to see you, Minamoto-san, " Sachiko didn't want to talk with her.

"I'm so glad that there's another female member besides me. I couldn't have stood the idea of being the only female member of the club."

"Same here, " Sachiko says enthusiastically.

"Natsume here is also a close friend of mine since elementary school. I'm glad that she'll be having a female friend here. She sacrificed her second club option to help me out, " Souta says, smiling.

Sachiko could notice a hint of happiness in Souta's face whenever he looked at Natsume.

'Could it be?' She thought to herself.