T'was romance in her mind

The old woman got so angry that she made Souta and Sachiko work an hour in her stall. She wouldn't even accept their apologies or money.

Finally, they were free to go, at around 6:00 pm.

"I thought that you know her," Souta shouts at Sachiko.

"I might've mistaken," Sachiko says, petrified.

"We don't have much time left, let' go."

Just then, Souta's wallet fell below the uphill.

"Go and pick that up," Souta orders Sachiko.

"Why me though?" Sachiko asks, annoyed.

"We are already late because of you. Now go back and pick it up. Be back in ten minutes!"

Souta's temper woke Sachiko's adrenaline and this made her dash off at the speed of light.

She runs down and picks up the wallet.

"Why? Am I nothing to him?"

Tears start falling. She quickly wipes those tears and rubs her eyes hard. She then produces the fakest smile possible.

"No, I have to be strong like Hanako."

She runs back to the top where Souta is waiting for her. She didn't want to be hurt again. She didn't want to raise any expectations.

Souta is standing. She gives his wallet back to him.

Souta then brings his other hand forward, offering Sachiko a drink he just bought. He had it bought from the old lady with much repentance.

"Here, " he says, trying to hide his face.

"T-Thanks, " Sachiko says. She couldn't believe what was happening.

'Am I slowly finding a place in his heart?'

And they finally started their journey to Makoto's place. After an hour, at around 6:30 pm was a mansion which stood at the top of the hill, like a king's palace.

They tell the guards that they were his friend's and the guard leads them to Makoto's room.

"You guys! You guys came?" Makoto asks flabbergasted.

"You don't look so happy seeing us, " Souta jokes.

"Haha, it's nothing like that," Makoto replies.

"Your homeroom teacher sent us to check on you. What happened?"

"You see; I was sick for two whole weeks. And my phone broke so I wasn't able to contact anyone. Even my parents are out of the station, " Makoto shares his problem.

"I see; I am sorry for that. But you will be coming tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, I will. I feel great!"

"It's good to hear."

"By the way, why'd you guys arrive so late?" Makoto asks.

"We missed our early-departing train," Souta clarifies.

"You guys took the 5:00 pm train?" Makoto asks.

"No, the 3:00 pm train. Why?" Sachiko asks.

"Did you guys take the long route? Because the left route from my house leads to the train station in just fifteen minutes, which is the short route."

"Eh?!" Souta and Sachiko say in unison.

Sachiko grabs Makoto and drags him to the corner along with her to have a tête-à-tête.

"Makoto, is it true?" Sachiko asks.

"Yes, it is. Did you take the long route? But how'd you even find my address?" Makoto asks.

"Agh! It's all Hanako's fault. You do know her, right?"

"Hanako! My gaming buddy from middle school. Does she study at our school?"

"Yeah, she's my seatmate. Leave that, does Hanako only know the long route to your place?"

"Of course not. She had come to my house many a time. Although, she did choose the long route when she came to my house for the first time."

Sachiko realized that she fell into another one of Hanako's rambunctious traps.

"Hey, guys, what are you talking about?" Asks Souta, clueless.

"Nothing, nothing, " says Sachiko.

"Takahashi-san, don't mind Hanako. She's just too childish but she's a good person nevertheless," says Makoto.

"But she says she's evil, " Sachiko says.

"I said, nevertheless, " Makoto just smiles after saying so.

"Who's Ha--- What?" Souta was still left clueless

like a third wheel.

"Well then, you guys should take the short route this time, goodnight!"

Makoto drops them at the train station.

"Who even gave you the route to his house?" Souta asks Sachiko.

"His acquaintance from middle school, she just didn't know the short route, " Sachiko lies.

And in that way, the night ended. Sachiko felt so happy. A romantic night alone with Souta was her dream. She was slowly starting to get closer to Souta and slowly again, building her hopes.

The next morning, Sachiko yells at Hanako.

"You gave me the long route and on top of that, you also lied about the old woman! It was embarrassing, " Sachiko rants at Hanako.

"Calm down. I know my method was childish but I only did that so that you guys could spend some quality time together. And I didn't think you'd fall for it."

"Sigh. Well, I guess I should forgive you. But you know what?"


"Sonohara-kun and you are close and you both have a lot in common," Sachiko says.

"What common thing do we have?" Hanako asks.


"That doesn't count," Hanako says, savage as ever.

"Jeez, anyway, my point is that I think he has real feelings for you. He thinks of you as an important person. Therefore, just like the way you encourage me to after Souta, I encourage you to not give up on Sonohara-kun. At least before he too falls for that oblivious succubus, Natsume, " Sachiko advises Hanako.

"Makoto's gay."

That one comment by Hanako ruins the entire lovey-dovey atmosphere created by Sachiko.

"Eh? Ehhh?! Does that mean he's my rival?!" Sachiko asks.

"Souta isn't Makoto's type. He isn't into short-fused guys like him. He likes cool, quiet guys who read books, " Hanako tells her.

'The only guy that comes on my mind is... Tachibana-kun.' Sachiko thinks to herself.

Will Sachiko's intuition come true? Or will it not?