They meet

It was the last day of school before summer break and Hanako was requested to work after school at her uncle's Café since they were short of hands.

"Uncle, should I change into your Café's uniform?" Hanako asks.

"Nah, that's fine, " her uncle says.

Her uncle, Larry Fujiwara, is a slim and short man who looked more American than Japanese with his blonde hair and mustache, given support by his blue eyes. He is half-American and half-Japanese. Uncle Larry is Hanako's dad's first cousin.

"You know my staff members well, right Hanako?"

"Yes, Kibami-san and John-san."

"Did I hear you call my name?" Says a sweet voice.

In comes Kibami, a cute woman in her early twenties. Hanako noted that she gave the 'ara ara' vibes.

"Hello, Kibami-san! We meet after a long time, no?"

"Yes, my dear. I've missed you!"

Kibami squishes the life out of Hanako.

"Little Hanako, hello, " says John from the kitchen, slicing the fruits. He usually never comes out of the kitchen because he always spooks the customers. He is a tall, strong-built man. His eyes aren't prominent. His nose has a dorsal hump and lips which look like it got stung by a bee. People may find him funny-looking but Hanako found him cute. Eh?

"Well then, Hanako and Kibami take the customers' orders. John and I will be cooking back in the kitchen, " Larry says.

"Yes, sir." All say in unison.

Elsewhere in the town, three young men are walking in Hanako's school uniform.

"Ah, man! This is finally the day when we'll start to enjoy summer vacation in full swing, " Toda says.

"Yeah, and because I'm this happy, I'll be treating you guys, " says Souta. Yes, Souta.

We see Toda, Souta, and Hikaru walking.

"Sadly, Natsume isn't here with us. Isn't it sad, Souta?" Toda teases Souta.

"Well, she's a busy woman, " Souta says.

"Woman, eh?"

"Shut the fuck up you two, " Hikaru finally speaks up.

"Yes, sir, " the other two say.

"So, anyway, where are you taking us?" Hikaru asks Souta.

"Yeah, yeah! Tell us!"

"I'm taking you guys to the most popular Café around the corner— Café Larry, "Souta says.

"Yeah, I heard about it. They serve us legit desserts, " Toda says.

"I'm gonna have their cold coffee. I heard that it's delightful, " Hikaru says.

They reach the Café and take their seats. They await the waitress or waiter, whosoever was to come. Instead, they see a girl in their school's uniform approaching them.

"Ah, shit. Here we go again, " Toda speaks the infamous dialogue of a popular game.

"Is that girl trying to befriend Souta?" Hikaru feels sorry for the girl, he thought she didn't know what she was coming for. She is a beautiful woman of elbow-length black hair. Yes, it's Hanako.

"What would you guys like to order?" Hanako asks.

Souta was irked by her. He had experienced this before— girls trying to approach and flirt with him. He was ready to berate her.

"What the hell is it that you want?" Souta asks.

"Huh?" Hanako says, perplexed.

"You think I wouldn't know what you're up to? I've met girls like you. Jeez, cringey 'kya kya' girl from our school, aren't you? If you think that buying us drinks or desserts would have the slightest chance of making me like you, then you're wrong."

Souta stops his rant.

"I am from your school, but why'd I buy for you? You should buy your drinks and desserts with your own money."

Hanako answers nonchalantly.

"Then why'd you be asking us what we want to have?" Souta replies.

"Because I'm here to take your order? I'm a waitress."

Much to Souta's chagrin, he could hear an explosion of quiet giggles from both Toda and Hikaru.

"B-But you're in our school's uniform, " Souta tries to retort.

"That's because I just came from school and my uncle said that it's alright to work in my uniform."

"Your uncle?" Souta asks.

"Yes, my uncle. Uncle Larry. He is the owner and main chef of this Café. He was short-handed so I was requested to help him out, " Hanako clears up everything.

All this time, Hanako was least bothered by whatever Souta told her. She retained her composure.

"Ah, I see. I'm very sorry for whatever I blurted out. I'm embarrassed, " Souta apologizes.

"That's fine. I guess you have experienced being approached by your opposite sex a lot, " Hanako says.

"T-Thank you for understanding, " Souta says. He looks at Hanako in awe. He just got to see her face.

'She is quite pretty.'

"What would you guys like to have then?" Hanako resumes her work.

"A cold coffee for me, " Hikaru says.

"Strawberry milkshake!" Says Toda.

"A sundae for me, " Souta says.

"Okay then, " Hanako takes their orders and goes back to the counter.

'So, I just met 'him'. The cold coffee guy must be Hikaru and the strawberry guy must be Toda.'

Hanako knew them all along because Sachiko talked about them. Also, she had already seen Souta.

"Well, the 'perfect prince' isn't that perfect after all, eh?" Hanako says to herself as she walks up to the counter and passes the order to John.