Birthday gift-I

A pink-head woke up from her sleep at the break of dawn. Oh, it's Sachiko.

She yawns and releases the exhaust from her body.

She grabs her phone to check it.

"It's finally 'the' day, " she says.

"It is.. my birthday! I'm so excited today. My aunt and uncle are currently out of station this summer. Ah, I've invited everyone from my Gaming club and Hanako. This is gonna be awesome!"

So, yes. On the fifteenth of July happens to be Sachiko's birthday. She was excited about the idea of having her friends and Souta at her house.

"My relationship with him has progressed a lot. I hope that very soon... ah!"

She is cringed by her imagination.

Meanwhile, Natsume, Souta, Toda, and Hikaru are shopping for Sachiko's gift.

"Guys, we need to pick her a good gift. We shouldn't be late for her birthday though, " says Natsume.

"Calm down, it'll start only at 4:00 pm. We still have a lot of time left, " Toda says.

"Let's first start with that mall where we can get everything, " Souta says.

"You mean Mikuru? That's my favorite mall! I've always wanted to go on a shopping spree, starting from Mikuru!" Natsume exclaims with her usual bubbly tone.

'How cute..' All three boys think in their minds.

They are on their way to the mall. As soon as they take a turn, they see Makoto— with a girl. The three boys recognize the girl. It was the girl from the Café.

A green-eyed Souta notices the girl grabbing Makoto's arm and walking.

"Look, Souta. It's her, your nemesis, " Toda taunts Souta.

"Shut up."

"Hey, Makoto!" Natsume calls him.

Makoto and Hanako turn to see the quadruple.

"Hey, guys!" Makoto waves back at them.

They come towards each other.

"You guys, what are you up to?" Makoto asks.

"We're shopping for Sachiko's gift, " Toda says.

"Us, too. Care to join?" Makoto asks.

"Sure, we'd love to. Btw, who's the girl that was with you?" Natsume questions.

"My friend. Was with me? Eh?" Makoto turns to see Hanako trying to escape. She comes back.

"Meet her, she's Hanako Fujiwara, " Makoto introduces her to them.

"Hey, you're that girl from the Café, right?" Toda asks.

"Yes, I am, " Hanako replies.

"You guys know each other?" Makoto and Natsume ask.

"Yeah, Hikaru, Souta, and I met her at a Café. There was this incident where--"

Souta shuts Toda up.

"Anyway, Fujiwara, I'm Toda Yoshida. Call me Yoshida!" Toda says.

"Yo, Toda, " Hanako was way more informal with Toda than he was with her.

"Eh? That's fine, I guess. I'll call you Hanako as well then!" Toda says.

"Hi, I'm Hikaru Tachibana, " Hikaru comes in.

"Yo, Hikaru, " says Hanako.

"Yo, Hanako, " says Hikaru.

The rest found their monotonous introduction to be somewhat amusing.

"H-Hey, " Souta says, flustered.

"Uh? You're that guy.." Hanako says.

"Well, I'm sorry for the last time, " Souta apologizes again.

"As I said, it doesn't matter, " Hanako says.

"Really? I'm glad to hear. Name's Souta Honda by the way, " says he, smiling.

"Hi, Souta, " Hanako says. She smiles back.

Natsume and Makoto are still confused as to what they were talking about.

"Hi, Hanako. I'm Natsume Minamoto, " says Natsume, cheerfully.

"Hi, Natsume, " Hanako says, nonchalantly.

"Well, I didn't know that Makoto already caught a fish in the pond. A salmon fish that too, " Natsume says, smizing.

"Haha, it's nothing like that. Hanako and I are friends from middle school. She called me last week and we decided to shop for Sachiko's birthday together since she's our mutual friend, " Makoto clarifies.

"Mutual friend? Are you the girl who gave Takahashi the long route?" Souta asks.

Makoto looks at Hanako, confused. Hanako gives him the 'Don't-you-durst-speak-further' look.

"Yes, that was me, " Hanako turns to Souta and answers him.

"I see, you guys aren't a couple. Although, I did see Hanako trying to eat you up, " Natsume says with a sly look.

"Huh? Look who's talking, roaming with three male 'friends', " Hanako retorts, triggered.

"Shortie, you shouldn't be saying stuff like that, " Natsume replies.

"Don't you dare make fun of my height, " Hanako says, glaring at Natsume.

Although Natsume and Hanako had a smiling countenance, the others could sense that the two of them had already left a bad impression on each other.

"Hey, hey. Hanako and I are like siblings. Moreover, I'm gay and she knows it, too."

Makoto comes out in front of his club members.

They are all surprised. There is a long pause, maybe for a time to take in the shock. Or maybe, for dramatic effect.

"But we'll love you no matter what! Although, not in that way.." Toda says.

"Thanks, guys. Don't need this much sentimentality though, " Makoto laughs it off but he was happy inside.

'I'm not eccentric in their eyes.'

Makoto was happy with this thought.

'So, Hanako isn't into Sonohara... Why the hell would I care?!' Souta thought.

"Eh? I wonder who your male crush is~" Natsume asks.

"Is it Souta?" Toda asks.

"Oi!" Souta is irked by Toda.

"No, he's not my type. Hehe, " Makoto says.

"It's Toda, right?!" Souta implements revenge.

"No, he's not my type either, " Makoto clarifies.

"Then.." Natsume ponders.

"Hikaru?!" All ask in unison, except for Hikaru.

"Huh?! W-What?!" Hikaru finds that theory annoyingly terrifying.

"Well, maybe?" Makoto's answer is a cliffhanger.

Hikaru was more or less vexed by that answer.

"Hey, guys. Let us go shopping. We shouldn't be standing here talking all day long, " Souta reminds them why they are here.

"Yeah, let's go, " Natsume says.

And they all go inside the mall.