Birthday gift-II

Once they got inside the mall, they all split up to buy their gifts.

Hanako went to the clothing section. She was searching for something which suited her type, not considering Sachiko's.

"What should I buy? Maybe this Superman T, it looks cool. Oh! This Batman jacket looks so sexy!"


A man calls her from behind.

"Huh?" Hanako turns to see Souta.

"What a coincidence, we meet again. What are you buying though?" Souta asks.

"Oh, yeah. I need your help with that. What should I buy? This Superman T or Batman jacket?" She asks.

"Wow, you have a cool taste, just like me, haha."

"I know, right? People call me a nerd though, oof, " Hanako says.

"They're people with a vanilla taste."


"But I think that instead of going for something you like, you should consider what Takahashi likes, " Souta says.

Hanako puts down the clothes. She takes a moment to pause.

"You're right, " Hanako resumes, "let's check the accessory section."

They have a hard time finding a decent jewellery because they weren't a connoisseur in this matter.

Finally, Souta finds something— a pair of dot earrings.

"This will do, " Souta says to himself.

"Hey, Souta, " Hanako approaches.


"Look, I found this bracelet, " Hanako says, running out of breath.

It was a silver bracelet shining, shaped like a crown.

"Huh? Looks like a crown, " says Souta.

"Yes, because my friend is a queen, " Hanako says, smiling.

"How much does it cost?" Souta asks.

"Just 500 yen, " Hanako replies.

"That's kinda.. cheap?" Souta says in awe.

"My dad says that the cheaper the cost, the costlier the value, " Hanako says with her head held high.

"He's just a freaking miser, " Souta mumbles under his breath.



Elsewhere, Hikaru is waiting for the rest on the ground floor.

Unfortunately for him, Makoto was the first to arrive. Hikaru felt awkward as Makoto got closer.

"Hey, Tachibana, " Makoto says, "we're the first to arrive. Is it fate?"

Makoto jokes.

Hikaru couldn't handle the humiliation.

"Shut the hell up, faggot. Don't you ever dare think of me in that way because it will never happen, " Hikaru demeans him.

Makoto's smile vanished from his face. His serene eyes was a void of happiness now.

"You know, of all the guys I ever had a crush on, I confessed to all of them. And everyone mocked me. I was hurt but I got used to it so I ain't bothered by it anymore. Hanako taught me to be strong and she was always there. She is all I need, to be honest. So now, even if you're rude, I won't be offended. Maybe I'm just a masochist. A total bottom, haha."

Hikaru felt guilty for whatever he said earlier but he couldn't show that he was. He couldn't let go of his hubris. At the same time, it didn't feel right to leave things as it was.

"Hey, the rest of the crew are back, " Makoto says.

Hikaru came back to reality from his deep contemplations.

"Nevermind, " Hikaru whispers to himself.

The group reached Sachiko's house just before 4:00 pm.

Just as they rang the doorbell, Hanako's phone rang.

"Huh? Now? O-Okay, " Hanako speaks to the other person on the phone.

"What happened?" Souta asks.

"My cram school teacher is summoning me. I'll have to be there to re-check some doubts, " Hanako says.

"Hanako.." Makoto looks at Hanako, feeling empathetic.

He knew how much Sachiko's birthday meant to Hanako.

"What? It's okay! I already wished her so it's fine! You guys enjoy and give my gift to Sachiko, " Hanako laughs, hiding her misery.

And then, she walks away just before Sachiko could open the door.

"You guys came!" Sachiko is happy to see them all. She finds someone, in particular, to be missing.

"Huh? Where's Hanako?" Sachiko asks.

"Uh, some work came up so she had to go. But she got you a gift, " Makoto says.

"Huh, is it? That's sad. But anyway, you guys come on in!"

Sachiko calls them in.

Meanwhile, Hanako was on her way to her cram school. It felt bad not to be present on Sachiko's special occasion.

But Hanako smiled and said, "It's alright. Moreover, I'm just a mere background character."

Sachiko received birthday wishes from all of them. She opened the gifts up. She received a pair of hoop earrings from Souta, a romance novel from Hikaru, an elegant perfume from Natsume, a stuffed toy from Toda, and some vegetables wrapped in a basket from Makoto.

"E-Eh, are you being serious Sonohara-kun?" Sachiko looked dissatisfied.

"It's a tradition in our family, " Makoto replies.

"O-Okay, " Sachiko cries inside.

"I'm just kidding! Aside from this, I got you a gaming console."

Makoto reveals that he was only playing a friendly banter.

"Wow! Yours look the most awesome out of all the gifts I received! Thank you, I'll be able to refine my gaming skills more now."

"Hey, we got you pretty decent gifts as well!" Souta complains.

"Haha, " Sachiko laughs.

"And here's Hanako's gift, " Makoto says.

It was a tiny box wrapped by a baby pink ribbon. She opens it to find an anchovy-sized yet precious bracelet.

"It's... beautiful."

Sachiko looked ecstatic to have gotten it from Hanako.

"Just like you, " Toda comments.

"Haha, thank you!" Sachiko blushes.

Sachiko has a great time with her club members.

And in one corner of the city, a girl wishes for her friend's happiness.

"I hope they get closer, " Hanako says.