Sports Rivalry-I

Time flies by fast and it's already October. Today is Seinaru Jujika's Sports Day. Sachiko is ecstatic about the Sports Day. She isn't playing any sport but is keen to cheer and be a volunteer for the players.

"It feels so good! Ah, my favorite day of the year. Honda-Kun will be playing Basketball, he'll look so cool, " Sachiko says.

Sachiko is on the red team along with Souta, Natsume, Hikaru, and Makoto.

"I'm so lucky to be on the same team with Honda-Kun, even if there's Natsume, I really couldn't care less."

On the white team are Hanako and Toda.

"Hey, Hana! We're on the same team, hope we do good, " says Toda.

"Oh, Toda, " says Hanako.

"But our opponents are really strong. I heard that the red team has won consecutively for three years, " Toda says.

"Ha, they had better players maybe. Do they have good players this year though? That's the question, " Hanako oozes with confidence.

"You confident though?" Toda asks.

"Heard of 'Alice in the Wonderland'? There were two queens— Red and White. The world was ruled by the Red Queen and the white queen had only a few supporters by her side. But when Alice came, everything changed. That's why, who knows, maybe I'm Alice. Or maybe you, or maybe someone else." Hanako tells Toda.

"But you're being dramatic, " Toda says feeling awkward.

"I like being dramatic, " Hanako smirks.

Elsewhere, Souta sees Toda and Hanako chatting. He kinda feels weird and uncomfortable seeing those two together. He felt like something heavy was sitting on top of his chest.

"What? Ugh, I hate this feeling, " Souta says to himself, scratching his chest.

This was another awkward day for Hikaru. He was on the same team with Makoto, whom he previously mocked for being gay.

"Hey, Tachibana. All the best for your BB match, " Makoto wishes him.

"T-Thanks, " says Hikaru, with a frown, averting Makoto's eyes.

"What are you playing?" Hikaru asks, trying to make the atmosphere, less awkward.

"Dodgeball, relay, and 100m, " says Makoto.

"Wow, you're a real sportsman, " says Hikaru with widened eyes, expressing his impressed state.

"Haha, thanks, " Makoto says and goes away.

Most of the matches are over. The red team wins Basketball and the star athlete of the match is Souta. All the girls were going 'kya kya' over him, irrespective of which team they were in.

There is a small difference between the red and white team, the former is at 325 and the latter is at 320.

The red team is in the lead because of players like Souta and Makoto. Makoto won both dodgeball and 100m. He was yet to play the relay, which happened to be the event of the day.

Now, for female athletes. Natsume's other club is the Track club and she's quite popular amongst her peers for being a fast sprinter.

She took place in 200m and won.

As for Hanako, she took part in a 100m sprint and won. Both of them are to participate in the event of the day— relay race. Many are bidding on Natsume because she's the golden girl and as for Hanako, she's the underdog. Most of their female classmates don't even like Hanako because she's forbidding.

Souta found Hanako imposing and he was even more attracted to her now.

"She's swift, man. I wish I could run that fast but I'm just a hooper. But no way could she be as fast as Natsume, uh-huh, " he is trying hard to fight back those developing feelings.

Now is the second final event of the day.

Relay race for the girls. There was much pressure for Hanako as she hailed from the comic club.

"Track club is gonna win no matter what!"

"Why is a comic club member participating? Those nerds can't stand a chance against the Track club."

Hanako felt like pressing their throat and taking out their larynx. The comments were getting more annoying.

"They deserve to be cocked to death, " she mutters under her breath.

"Hanako, Natsume is a very fast runner. She's a tough competition, " Toda says as he approaches her.

"So what?"

"And her legs are longer--"

Toda feels woeful looking at the length of her legs.

"Don't you dare stereotype me for being short, " says a mad Hanako.

"No, I just mean to say that she has an upper hand, " Toda replies.

"You don't know anything about running, Toda, " says Hanako.

"Really? Then how is it?" Asks a confused Toda.

"First off, yes, the length of the legs may matter but that's not all. You need to have a technique. Both Natsume and I are fast runners but she has more stamina than I have since I heard she even runs in marathons. I'm a sprinter so I'll lose stamina faster. But if I let loose of myself, trust me, I'm like a champagne bottle when you nudge its cap, " says Hanako with a humorous metaphor.

"Ah, I see. Well, I hope we win, " says Toda.

"Thanks, we will, " Hanako says.