The arrival

It's hard... it's hard to describe what happened to us. Our lives we're full of dreams, full of expectations. Full of Hope.

Yet. It all ended like this.

To understand what has happened to us. To all of us. We all have to start at the beginning of this game. A game that destroy almost everything.

... ... ... ... ... It was dark. There was nothing but the void of darkness that surrounded my existence. The first thing I noticed is that I didn't have my body.

No arms, no legs, non of anything really. Just me and this void of nothingness. I blanked I stare. I move I stopped. I ran and I walked.

Yet I didn't do a thing. I was stuck with one direction. Just watching, just waiting. It was hell.

You can't imagine how long I was there. Just waiting for anything to happened. I couldn't move, I couldn't feel, I couldn't do shit.

There was no sense of time here. Non at all. It literally felted like a century had pass.

What was this place. What had happened to me. Why am I within this inky hell. A place with out sound. A place without reality.

It was like that for so long. No amount of words can describe the amount of time that went by and left nothing to me. All I could do is think. Even then. There was nothing to think about. It slowly drove me insane.

After a century of waiting. It finally ended.

A bright light flashed before my eyes. The hell that my existence went through soon ended. All that I went through soon disappear behind me. The time that I had lost went away to the nothingness of that void of dreaded night. I started to breath. I started feel. I started to live.

Yet through all that. Part of me wished it stayed that way. Here is where it all began.


I blanked a few times trying to get adjusted with the light and the scenery around me.

I found myself within an elevator that was descending to the first floor. I was on a red carpet floor within this fancy lift, I turned my head right then left. Up and then down. I slowly left up my arms and saw my hands ... ... ... Along with a black and sinister watch that caught my eyes. I tilted my hand with the strange watch to side to side. I then touched it and found it odd. I don't own any watch like this, how did it got onto my wrist?

Yet I let it go and focused on the important part. I took a deep breath and let it go with a deep sigh of relief. I could see and could feel . I could control myself once again. I exist. That's what matters now.

I then notice my legs, which were spread out on the floor. I then notice the numbers on the Lift. There wasn't any. It was just descending without a proper number to land on.

There was nothing much to do within this elevator that was just lower down to who knows where.

I slowly stood up, using the railing as support. When I got my footing right, a small jolt rumble the cart. Then another. Then the movement just stopped. The elevators then made a Ding. And it then opened.

I found myself with quite a sight. Where I was standing I saw a big and beautiful chandelier that dangled down without any kind of interference. Though the view is breath taking, it did not stop me from hearing two calm but different individuales.

" Look everybody we need to all relax. Yes we been captured and are being held hostage but we are at least not restrained or held within a dark room, hell we even within a group so no need to worry about being on our own like others. This is an opportunity for all of use to figure out a way to get out" This voice interested me. The male had a calm but stern voice that also held comfort but power.

" Yeah he is right the best thing to do right know is to work together and figure out what to do" The other voice said with a hint of laziness but a sens of understanding.

"Um guys the elevator came down, some one is here eavesdropping on us" A harsher and discipline voice came through the crowed. Well shit. They might think that I am a threat now. I did have any option so I just walked in to the room.

The place that surrounded the beautiful display that is in front of me was even more breath taking. I stepped out and saw the room, which was the foyer of the hotel. It was decorated with gold and red colors with a shine that though I had seen before, still amazed me to no end. Yet the place was off, mainly from the tension and the distress.

" ... ... ... ". I looked down, knowing that I was on a balcony, and saw. There on the bottom floor, where it's two red carpeted staircase met, were teenagers that were either standing on top of very clean waxed floors or sitting and or lying on to couches that were on display for the guest.

From my fast head count, there was 19 of them. All of them were looking at me either with fear, annoyance or interested with the new arrival. Then I noticed the watches they were wearing. They were the same as mine. Each were the same kind with it's black colors and it's mechanical appears. Before I could think about the fact that we have the exact same watch, some one within the crowed decided to speak up. Cutting all the tension that made the air dens.

" Wow this guy looks tough and manly, hey you up there do you want to spare with me later!" The voice was mature with it's deep and gruff vocals. The next voice I herd was the exact opposite.

" I don't think it is a really good idea Mr. I mean we aren't sure where we are, and this guy could be dangerous or something"

" Oh come on. You got to give some trust little dude, besides we all came out of that elevator so he could be one of us. Oh and do you want to join with us, you look like you need the work out"

" W-hat no thin- k you sir, maybe another time "

" If you say so little dude, though you are missing out. Hey you up there are you ready to hit the iron with me!" I looked at the guy with fascination. He broke the tension on purpose, why did he do that? I could be a potential danger to these people. Yet what he did worked wonders, because everyone soon forgot about me.

" God, you boys and your muscles, are your head's literally filled with nothing but protein and meat" A girl then made her entrance within the conversation, with a touch of a strong belief but also a sense of bother within there.

" Yep pretty much GAH GAH GAH GAH"

"Tck don't lump me up with you bone headed imbeciles, I am nothing like you you sweating and disgusting ape " A serious, gentlemen's, but exhausted voice then cut in.

" ... ... .... 'sniff sniff' Oh whoops, my bad man. Did not realize that I smell GAH GAH GAH GAH must of worked out before it happened"

" Tck. Can't believe that I am stuck with these pathetic beings that call them selves humans"

" Hey you! That is uncalled for!!! You should treat use all with respect, no matter the person who is in front of you!!! A strong, load, serious and a sense of readiness voice then blurted out with a sense of correcting and fixing up the situation.

" Piss, um brother. You shouldn't get involved in other people's conversations." A calm but frustrated and annoyed comment came out.

" But brother!! It is not fair that I alone have to be respectful while everybody else act like brain dead idiots trying to open up a zip lock bag"

" Idiot!!!!!" A few blurted out

" Who are you calling brain dead you grape fruit!!!!!" A gruff and deep yet smooth voice came out with a yell.

" Guys come on, men shouldn't - "

" Shut up you red head missing link!!!"

" Yeah shut up you old man. Seriously are actually a teenager. You act more like a father that is secretly a pedo than anything" A bratty annoyed girl voice then came in.

" Yep still seventeen, the last I checked little miss push over Gah Gah Gah Gah"

" Oh you want to go there Gramps!!!"

" Um... guys can't we all just. Get along. Please" A shorter girl, holding a sketch book, said raising her hand, to the extent of her arm in that matter, to get everyone's attention.

"... ... ... ..."

"... ... ..."

" ... is that all your going to say to stop us you spineless pathetic bitch !!!" The gruff smooth voice echoed out with a fist that slammed on to a table.

" No no no I just wanted people to get along that is all. Please I'm sorry."

" I don't give a damn you filthy oil up duckling.

" Hey don't you dare call her that you dead fuck of a man!!!"

" Dead fuck, dead fuck, you listen here you bitc - " Before smooth talker could finished those words, without him or anybody in that matter noticing, I knocked him out with a hard punch to his left cheek. Which could have been held back a bit.

He slid on the floor to someone's feet.

" No lady should be talked or treated like that" I said with the venom that dropped out of my mouth yet with a deadpan expression that chill down the surrounded .

I then dusted my self off, and before I could sit down and asked questions, the same deep, mature and gruff voice that spoke out earlier with a hardy laugh said.

"That was so manly man and yes a agree! No man should speak or treat another lady like that!! It is simply disgusting treating them with out respect or equally!!!"

I nod to his response and with the time before I got to my seat I said to him " I'll take up your offer, well after we get out of here first" I could tell that he was extremely pumped up now, which was a relief" Sure thing bro, Ahhhh I can't wait for it" I gave a small smile.

I Sat down on a seat that was away of them. Not because I have a hard time being near people. I just need my privacy. Thankfully the others understood that.

Before I got comfortable I took a good look at my watch. There were buttons and the device was tuned off. Part of me wanted to take a look and turn it on but my logical side told me to hold up a sec, it is better if you get an idea about your surroundings. Besides I bet some of the others could have already tried that and didn't got a response.

My arms are spread out on the chair, my right leg on the other. There I was observing the strangers in front of me. Some were speaking to each other. While others kept to themselves. It is an interesting batch let me tell you that much. Each of there individual action so far show there characteristics and the who they are. It could be an act, yet it could be genuine.

After a few seconds watching them, understanding and getting a good idea of these oddballs. I made a load clap that echoed through the room.

I waited letting the Hooligans quiet down and watch me with there own way, some were curious, nervous, wondering, annoyed or a bit upset. But four of them caught my interest the most.

I clear my throat and with totally silent I decided to start. With a more relaxed sitting position. I began to speak.

" From what I have gathered around me and notice. I can make the claim that no one within this room knows where we are."

"Tck no shit Sherlock, we been trapped within this room over an hour waiting and every few minutes another moron would arrive with the exact same questions." A teenager wearing a lab coat said with a sense of annoyance and frustration but calmness within those word.

" Well that saves me from some time" Just going to ignore that rudeness

" I'm am also going to presume that non of you know who took you or remember when they were taken" that got a few to look back and notice that I was right to ask that question.

" Yeah, your right, non of us have the slightest idea of how we got here or by who" a girl with with a red sailor school uniform said

"Yet why aren't we being monitored or restrained, the only thing that is keeping us here is that locked doors" I pointed at the doors that was the entrance that I am sure is locked up

" Wait how did you know that the door is lock waiter boy" A girl with a bratty personality and wearing a dress said. My appearance will get that response I have to admit.

" Because no one tried to leave yet" I enjoyed seeing her face once she realized it.

" Anyways, who ever took use used a drug that either conman or illegal to use"

" Must be some kind of a fast pace knock out drug that not only kept us sedated over long amount of time but also made us forget some time before we were taken. Fuck that's like most of them. Some of which are not even allowed to be used in medical practices." The exact lab coat wearer said with a fuming annoyance.

" It's not the case of where the drug came from that knocked us out. The question that we should all fear and need to be careful with is. What do they want from all of us."

Those were the word that escaped from my mouth, words that I too feared but needed to know.

The air tens up, it made us worried and nervous with what will happen to use all. We were just kids that was taken from our lives.

I might be capable to handle it, hell, and some of the other as well. Yet some of us looks like that they are going to drag us down. Some look more like a hindrance then a reliability.

It's a sad truth but it's the true to life. Not everyone is made equally.

Tension were then and finally ended when the sound of the elevators dinged, and it's doors opened. What it opened brought problems and a lot of fear to me.