The realization

After a few minutes of waiting within the lounge of the front entrance, no one had stepped out. You could not hear any muffled foot steps, nor any other kind of movement that would alert us all. The elevator stood there, waiting and feeling for any kind of action.

We all just stood there, worried of our action. Then a calm smooth male voice, one that echoed and caught us all off guard interrupting all of our thoughts.

" To those within the reception hall. I advise you all to check out the cargo that has been sent down." I noticed the concern and nervous faces of those within the room. Now sure that this is their first time hearing the voice. I also found out at that exact time that we been being monitored with hidden cameras.

How did they know that we were just standing there doing nothing.

I immediately stood up and shouted " You up there, why did you brought us here, why are we wearing these watches, and who are you working for" We waited for an answer which was given to us after a few seconds of asking.

" All in do time, now someone is wait to greet you." I growled and started to walk up the stairs. Most of the others did the same. Somehow each step brought with it a sense of fear of what we would find.

What we did found. Brought fear to my Cor.

On the red carpet of the Lyft was. Hinata, who was asleep... ... ... ... next to a boy in a mechanic stain jumpsuit.

How did they found her! No slash that, how the bloody hell did they got their hands on her!!! Even if I am not around to protect her, there should be at least 15 armed bodyguards to watch over her.

Then there was my situation, how the bloody hell did they got me. No offense to those that do not know me but. literally no one could have or would be able to do so. That is not an exaggeration my friends.

The only reason I did not mention it is to not scare the rest of the victims within the building. Also most of these guys would not really believe me.

" Young Hirashima !" I blurted out, which caught the attention of the others. " Wait you know his girl" I stepped in and started to gently shake her body, with my hand on her shoulder. " Wait Hirashima. The Hirashima" A girl said with shock and surprise.

Oh shit!!!

Then in the back, a almost emotionless voice walked into the conversation. " The exact same Hirashima family name that owns three corporate company that are being run by Japans wealthiest man of the name of Daichi Hirashima. That Hirashima."

This is bad. This habit of mine, Calling Hinata ' Young Hirashima'. It's a name that people that aren't apart of our network should not know. Yet I blurted it out like nothing, fuck I was careless. ... ... ... Yet I could use this.

I slightly tilted my head to them, with my green curls covering my eyes. I stayed like that for a few seconds, then I grin. Wherever we are, I still need to protect her, if scaring those that are less important to us is possible then I need to take that chance. In surviving in a dire situation, your going to have to use what is available. And the thing that I need most is the trust of the strong ones.

Yet before I could do the action in mind. Hinata started to blank. It caught my intention immediately, I turn back to her and made sure that I was there in her few of sight so she does not freak out with those behind use. She slowly worked up

She shifted and shifted, groan and finally her eyes stared to adjust with the blanking. She saw me and with a big smile she gave me a tight huge.

"Nooooooobbbooooooo" Oh no no. I just lost my intimidation and fear factor by the words of one of the most kindest and loving girls within the world. Man what a drag.

" Hinata not here" I say with my usual calm but serious voice yet with a bothered and worried face.

" But Noboo this is for reveng for waking me up without permission" She said with a pout . God she is so innocent.

" So this is the daughter of the wealthiest man on Earth. What a joke" The lab coat boy scowl out. It annoyed me with what he said to her but I let it slide because of my young mistress.

" Hu?" Looks like she finally notice them. " Um Nobu who are the others behind you?" She looked at me with her innocent eyes that it hurt me that I need to tell her about our situation.

I smiled and gave her my response " Those that are behind us are people that we are going to have to work with young Hirashima.

Come on, up you go" I say while I raised her up to the air then gently set her down.

" Aww they look cute together" A female voice spoke out with cheer and aww with the situation. " Ew!!! They're acting like they're father and daughter blaa" " Gah Gah Gah Gah it looked like he was going to break our necks earlier, turns out your just a Ted" " Ted?" " Yeah short for Teddy bear"

Yeah they don't see me as a threat anymore. Well beggars can't be choosers right guys.

" Can you walk young Hirashima ?" I say with a hint of worry and concern. She nodded and started to stretch. I look at the unconscious boy that was in a similar state as Hinata.

" Hinata could you please walk with the rest of our company down the stairs. " Yes sir Mr Nobu. Okay guys let go, you herd the man" She said with that adorable voice of her's.

When everyone was gone I look at the direction of the mechanic boy. knelt down, got him onto my arms but before I could raise up with him on my arms. I realized something. It came to me like the crash that caused the great depression.

I walked down the stairs, thinking over the idea that is possible. That can explain everything to our predicament.

I set him down and let him there. " Why aren't we waking him up?" One of the girls said " Because. I have the feeling that once he wakes, whoever took us is going to explain our situation here. Truth be told a fear their answer. In other words we need to be careful, this boy will hold them down as long as he is asleep" I say now facing their faces.

" Then why did you let-" I stopped her with a wave of my hand, I then answer her " I did not realize it before but now I have an idea of the situation."

" And that is" The calm voice said. One that belong to a drench coat teenager with one eye exposed while the other hidden behind his black curly hair that is dripping every part of his head.

So he's the guy that calm them down earlier. " My friends, we're not hostages" " What, then what are we?!!" the one that I knocked out earlier spoked out with annoyance. He must've gotten up earlier.

I closed my I eyes an answer " We're contestants"

" ... ... ... ... ..." everyone was silent with the response that I made.

" Excuse me what?" Yeah that is the reaction that I had earlier, yet it makes sense.

" Thank about it guys, don't you notice your attire or the place that we are in." I gave them a few seconds to figure it out but none of them had an idea. I sighed and continued

"All of us are dressed in clothing that we own but are also comfortable in." " Most of them looked at me with bewilderment. Before anyone could say a thing I continued.

" Look guys, I know this because of my own and young Hirashima attire these are cloths that we are most comfortable with. Yet what make this more damning is what kind of clothes we are wearing. Have you guys ever heard the saying ' Clothing makes the person who they are ' well."

I addresses to everyone with the opening of my arm " What we are wearing represents us as a whole."

I then pointed at myself with my thumb to my chest " for example though I appear as a waiter with my white button up shirt and navy green pants and my dress boots, I am actually Hinata's personal bodyguard.

" Wait. Your a bodyguard" I nodded and then address myself even more.

" My tie that is tied up on my left shoulder, the rolled up sleeves that exposes my strong arms along with my scar that runs down my right arm up to the back of my hand... everything about me, my strong, sharp and yet young appearance present me as a person not to be messed with, but with my history as Hinata's bodyguard my role would be the Caretaker or the Caregiver"

"You are absolutely right Mr Enatsu" That caught all of us off gaurd. We turn to the calm, smooth voice, that we heard earlier on the intercom. At the direction of the mini bar that was on the far left of the entrance of the lobby.

There on the seats of the bar were two man. Both leaning, both watching, observing all of us. I quickly turn my head to the boy that was sleeping. The guy was awake. His head facing the two strangers direction. Knowing that I tuned to face him. The mechanic turned his head to me.

With fear and wonder. Where am I must be his question.