Brave New World

We stood there unmoving. Deeply worried with our situation. Our safety hang between the balance. I stood my ground, yet I still trembled inside.

The two man are watching us, just observing our next move. The one with fiery, red short hair, tan skin, and a aggressive uncaring look had a beer in his hands. He took two deep swigs off the cold bottle, he then made a sound of delight, resting the bottle on a coaster beside him. He faced the celling enjoying the feeling of the drunkenness settling in.

While the other just watched us, both hands on his lap while one rested on the other. I noticed the small kicks that had a rhythm of a metronome. He also had a calm uncaring look but with a touch of seriousness and interest in all of us. He was slimmer then the other one who had more muscle. He also had unkept snowy white hair that had covered one of his eyes.

Both were dressed in black casual smooth vest with a small handkerchief that are neatly stuffed within their front pocket of their vest. They both also have black smooth pant that has a softness to it. Besides that everything else about them were different.

The fiery one had red button up under shirt with purple polka dots, which matched his handkerchief. Besides his colors, the other thing that was so distinct is the fact that this guy didn't have shoes. Or socks.

He lean back even deeper, stretching his arms, his back, his legs, and feet. He had a irritated bored look, just hoping for something to happen.

The other one had a light blue button up undershirt that had white polka dots, which also matched his handkerchief. The guy dose have shoes, they are dressed boots that are also black.

With their appearance and small gestures. I could tell that they mean business and they do not want to wait any longer.

The white one finally broke the ice when he clapped which got most of us to shudder. The red one smiled. At the same time, they both sat up properly, got off of their seats and walked twords us.

Each step were dreadful. Oh please be right.

They then stopped. The white one then cleared his throat and then spoke. " We are both please to see you all have arrived safely to our resort. A place of opportunities and choices. A place of fun and memories. We both hope that you all have fun with the games we are planning.

We all just stood there, still not making any noise. " Oh where are our manners" They then both bowed and then introduced themselves " I am Skoll Wolf" the white one said to us first " And I am Freki Wolf" the red one then fallowed. They both rise up and said in unison " We are your host and game master in this game show that everyone in this world of our are watching"

" So this is a game show, yet what are the stakes" They stood there for a bit till answering. " There is no stakes, at least not yet, but before we can continue with the rules and what your going to do during your stay, we all have to address the elephant in the room. Mr Enatsu, how did you know that all of you are in a game show."

" It's was more of a assumption then anything, yet there was something strange about our situation. The fact that we are clothed with our own clothes, but ones that show off our personality, the place that we are in. Far yet fitting for a setting of a game show. The only thing I do not get is how you made us forget some stuff of our past"

" Oh that, we used hypnotism to do that " The red one said with a annoyed expression " The game wouldn't be so much fun if you all just remember. It up the stakes a bit." That gave me a growl. It made sense, but.

" I have a question!" Someone else finally decided to speak besides me. The one that walked up was a guy with explosive red hair, a tick off face with tan skin. He wore dark blue tank top, grey sweatpants, tennis shoes, and yellow tape that is wrapped around his hands.

" Who signed us up to this lame game show, don't make us think we didn't notice that" " Yeah he is right, I do not remember my brother or I signing up for this nonsense or any kind of event that would be a waste of our time!!! The boy with a purple middle school uniform, medals and pins, purple slightly spiky hair ,with knee high laced boots said out load.

Skoll paused us and then answered, " The truth is that you agreed to join but it was your parents that did the singing, and the reason you all can not remember, is because we intentionally blocked that memory. The reason, is something that we are not allowed to open up to you." " Tic Why is that" " ... ..." " ... ... "

" Can you here me, why the fuck did you made us forget about that. We need to know about our consent in all this."

" It is understandable that you are upset b- " " No, no you do not understand how we feel, we were taken from our homes and now we are force to be in this game show. Ha what a god damn joke."

" Don't you dare talk to him that way" Freki said with an aura of anger and pain. We all took note, looked at his direction. Yet before he could say a thing Skoll put his hand on his shoulder stopping him.

" Relax Freki, I don't care what he says, so you shouldn't either" " But Skoll it's unfair" Skoll then place both hands on his cheeks and said " remember Freki, what comes around goes around. Yin yang so to speak. So don't worry about it." The man relaxed and nodded " Yes Skoll, your right" " I'm always right, remember that"

It's like they forgot that we were even here. It was a bit odd, this was moment and here we are just witnessing it all. Lucky to us it all ended when Skoll walked forward, clearing his throat and then spoke " Please excuse my husband, he can be short temper at times and be protective, but either way we are still your host/game masters with in this game show of ours.

Freki then step in and said " Before anything can start, you all need to understand the rules and life you all will have within these five to six months staying with us." Okay that brought an uproar.

" Five to six months" mostly everyone said, mostly with shock, while others were mixed with anger or worry.

" But what if you have things to do, most of us have school and classes to attend to" the small girl said with worry and cautiousness.

" Screw that! I have a gang to ruin back at home, and none of those guys are going to wait for me till I'm back, hell some of them might revolt and try and take over the gang."

Some of us step away from him a bit. Finding out that we have a gang leader at our mist can be a bit frightful. That would explain his attire and his attitude towards people. He wants people to know he is dangerous.

Skoll stopped us again and continue where Freki left. " We understand your predicament but we have all got that situation covered. We mailed your school and teachers, along with your profession and groups that you have join in. So you all don't have to worry" What does he mean about that, also what dose he mean about school. it wasn't plural.

"That still does not cover it homos"

" Well anyway my husband will continue" they just ignored him. Freki cleared his throat and then pulled out his... a device then stated " This is a digital notebook that we are going to pass out, do not lose or break it, it can be replaced but it will take time. Again I do not recommend losing or breaking one of these. They are very important, especially latter on with in the game."

Skoll clapped his hands then the elevator dinged open and then someone, out of view, through out a box that landed directly on his hands. Freki then grabbed the devices, which were the digital notebooks, and started passing them out.

While this was happening I asked " So what do these notebooks show and do." Skoll then answered

" Oh, each and every one of them has a map of the place that you will be staying, it will also open up your respective rooms along with separate gender required rooms. They also have your names, the faces and names of the other guests. You can also write notes about the guest. It also hold the rules that we will introduce to you all. Sadly that is all for right now but at the end of this month there will be an update and that's when the game will really start."

" What"

" With in this month the only thing you all need to do is get to know each other, get along, to get some normalcy before the game actually starts at all, and some freedom. Though you are being watched, you are allowed to do anything and no laws are allowed here."

What. No laws. what kind of game show is this?

" No law" A small chuckle echoed out, " Don't shit with us. Like you said we are being watched, once this is all over and have done some illegal shit we would be canned on sight. "

There was pause. Then Freki answered " There is no need to fear, you see this game show is actually a social experiment that the government is doing. So in truth, yes you are allowed to do thing with no law to look back to. So go wiled my friends." Our host smiled a bit, but the thing that caught our attention the most were their words.

" Wait... when you mean no laws" The delinquent of the group then asked. " You mean we could do anything. Anything anything, like drinking and vandalizing and other shit right." " Though it would be a hassle to clean all that up later on, yes you could, and once this show ends. No law enforcement can lay a finger on you."

We we're speechless, how else could we describe it. The fact that. That we could .

" Perfect" He said with a sinister smile.

" What! Are you really going to fallow through with your antics here" " Maybe I will, who knows what I can do when there is no cops." " I looked around to see the other and notice that the guy with sweatpants was also giving a small grin.

Skoll then cleared his throat, waited for a moment for all to silents then spoke " Well it is time to introduce the rule within this facility. Rule number 1. Always be within the building at all time, it is quite chilly out their within the cold and snow. Rule number 2. If you do go out within the cold, have a coat or anything that will keep you warm"

" Heh What are you a our dad, well in this case, our mom" The Gang leader teased

Then Freki then continued " Rule number 3. If you try to leave the area keep at mind that we are miles away from any sight of a road or building, the reasoning is that all of the surounding land is private property.

That concerning, which most of us caught.

" Rule number 4. Though both of us will clean after you, it would be nice if you also helped us out by doing little things like disposing your trash in the correct bin, cleaning after your self, and maybe even organizing your own room.

Back to Skoll " Rule number 5. You all have free rang within the building, the only exception are the locked guest rooms, the gender required rooms, the staff rooms, and our living quarters. To try to sneak in and or brake open it is unexceptionable and will be be punished. And lastly Rule number 6."

Freki smiled a sinister smile and spoke the last rule " Don't get your self eliminated to soon kids, you have a long way to go before the game actual starts. For now just enjoy our hard work and all the refreshments that we have prepared for you.

" And that is all for today, please remember you are our guest, so have fun during your stay. May the best prodigy win" They both said and then left us to our selves a bit shock about what just happened.