The beginning

Have you ever experienced that one moment in life when you find yourself in a very important moment in life, but let yourself be distracted by something absolutely unnecessary?

Well, I'm meeting this moment right now because I can see a truck driving straight into my face.

My face begins to dent inwards and I feel my brain being crushed by the chunky skull of mine.

I can safely say that it is not a good feeling.

But now that I think about it, I don't feel the pain directly. It's more that i now how painful it is but i don't feel the pain myself. That is very interesting i feel like i am a spectator of my own body. HAHAHAHAHA ........

Where the hell am i now? It's white... very white....There's literally nothing other than white.

hmm.... maybe it's something with my eyes. I try to rub them but it is pretty oblivious that nothing is gone happen because i don't have any arms.....? Sooooo that's most likely because i'm dead.....yes that should be it.

What to do? What to do?

First I try to move... it worked!!!!! Yes i'm just too good HAHAhahaha... To say the truth i'm not to sure if I Really move because everything is white.....But lets leave that and try something else....hmm maybe I should try something with my mind.....Yes!!!!! That sounds good. lets start with trying to meditate....clear my mind think about nothing but yourself........I don't think I can do this!!!!

Haaaaaaa OK, let's try something else ... how about Mindscape .... Yes !!!! that sounds good, so let's get started ..... focus on my inner self, me and my life ..... I open my eyes and see a space you can only see at the home of a pubescent teenager ..... Okay !!!!!!! .... It locks like my room ..... Happy now ... so let's clean up first. I just touched a piece of garbage and BANG I see a piece of my life flashing in my head down to the smallest detail ..... Sooo that means that this whole room represents my life.....UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could I let my glorious mind look like this !!!!!!!!!! It's just Unacceptable that must change in this very moment !!!

CALM down calm down I can change it I must just calm a little bit down ... Okay lets do this ..... My mind ... the representation of myself.... a big grass field with a young tree in the middle of it ... the Tree is brown with a single branch..... on this branch are leaves .....every single leave has a thin net of golden veins....this veins crawl down the branch and form a golden Fruit on the branch...The Trunk of the Tree represent my personality....The branch is my life....The leaves my memoirs... The golden veins are the knowledge of the memory .... The golden fruit is all the knowledge that has been gathered in this life ..... I open my eyes and stand in the meadow with a perfect view of my Tree ..... I go closer and kneel in front of the little tree ... it looks just like I wanted it to look like..... now all that remains is to check if it works the way i wanted it to ...hehehe.. with this thought I touch the fruit .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH It worked !!!!!!! I know everything I've ever heard or seen before!!! .... I would cry if I wasn't to lazy for it ..... Now I want to try next if I can visualize my soul to my mindscape

....My soul spirit and self....a exact copy of my mindscape but the grass is light blue.....the tree white.....the leaves midnight blue...and the veins in pure silver...I feel a lot of pain right visualized picture of my soul broke down an begins to crash on my already build mindscape.....why?why?why?why?why?WHY?WHY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT HURTS ..... STOOOOOOOOPPPPP...It stoped thanks God and myself for this.....Why did it broke down?...OOOooooo that's why.....I don't have a physical body anymore so trying to manifest my soul in my mindscape that is also my soul is oblivious not rebuild my mindscape but in the design of my soul....wait!!! it worked without me having to visualize it...hehehehe I found something interesting again.....I have something like a Sub-Brain(SB) that can think for me....with this I can multitask without any trouble because I know that it is completely fine with only a direction in which it should think the rest it dose alone....Can I make more of these?