Spiritual Energy

This is a thought that I would like to try out immediately .... First I have to create a manifestation of my mind and my Sub-mind ..... hmmm how about a bubble with a smaller bubble in the inside. ....Yes!! that's it !! .... SM (Sub-Mind) start visualizing the bubble with a bubble inside !!!! .....

hohohoho it is interesting to see how the bubble starts to form out of nothing and then it get's bigger and bigger....it stop's with the Size of a big gym ball ... now it start's growing a smaller bubble out of the bigger one ... I can feel what it represent and know that I can manipulate it to change....now to the important part!! Bubble!!!! Split!!!.....It work's!!! I Can see how the inner bubble begin's to tremble and slowly splitting in Two!!!....

Wow it feels amazing with two Sub-Mind's in my head HAHAHAHA...Now an important question...How many can I make???....time to test it out SM-1 and SM-2 do your job...I go back to my soul body.........now that I look closer my soul body produce's some sort of mist...maybe I can control it.....time to try.....Move move move move move....Yes it MOVED!!....this must be some sort of Energy that is produced by the soul....with some time I should be able to manipulate it better and easier than just push and pull it around..............................

HOLY COW!!! did you surprise me SM-2 I must be really focused that I get scared from my own mind.....It look's like SM-3 is finished....right on time now I can let her take control over the mist like energy...How should I call you hmmm....Right Spiritual Energy SE for short.....SM-1 and 2 go back an make more.....I watch how SM-3 begin's to manipulate the mist in circle, cubs, ring and other shape's... wow, she gets good pretty quickly. She can now even make 3D model of my memories with all the details. This type of fine control is good, but how much can she control at the same time? ... the spiritual energy is now compressed around the soul body and I see how the spiritual energy begins to change from it's gaseous state to condense into liquid ...

Slowly the spiritual energy begin's to drift away from my soul body, future and future ... this is the limit that I can control at the same time ... .. now i need to find a way to store the energy so i have a good amount in store for research and emergencies.....hmm how should I make it?.....yes how about the root's of my tree...like different root = different Energy.....that sound's good....so back to the mindscape and...!!!!!! ...soooo?????? .....SM-1 and 2 were very productive...the bubble has now exactly 9 inner bubble's....just how long did I take to get perfect control over the Spiritual energy???????...Nahhhh that doesn't really matter if I have one thing to spare then it would be time even thought I'm not absolutely sure if time actually exists her....anyway back to the energy storage project...all free SM's to work....

The tree begin's to slowly float in the air ...the root's grow in size and length....one of the root's swell's on the end until it burst open...on the bursted end I can see a completely white crystal that slowly begin's to fill itself with the spiritual energy.....I go back to my soul body and see how the liquid energy begin's to disappear and reappear in the crystal....now that it is within me I can analyze and control it a lot easier than before.....Now new question....do I have any kind of protection for my soul?....No!!!.....so its time to create them!!!...Hehehehe..I gone create the best of the best or more correctly I gone create the best that I can think of...

First layer of defense......a fine net that encloses the entry mindscape....the function of this net is to alarm, track, identify and analyze anything that come's in contact with it even energy's.......I can feel on the edge of my awareness the net being created.....slowly and steady...finished....

Second layer of defense......A Trap!!! ...once you come in contact with it you get transported to a endless with space.....I know it's not that creative but I want to let them feel what I feeled....hmmhm sorry ,back to the trap...Its function is to trap, bind, analyze and confuse.......I feel how a part of my mindscap begins swell up to make a space fold for the trap....It was not that comfortable...anyway....

Third layer of defense.....you can't break in if you can't come in contact with it...that's how it is, the defense works pretty similar to Obito's Kamui from Naruto only on a bigger and nonphysical realm........IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............that was unexpected....but understandable I literally teared myself out of space....haaaa...that was a really horrible experience....but now I can rest peacefully with the thought that I'm save from most thing reality can throw at me...hmm my soul body is somewhat paler than before...most likely because of the energy cost to sever space around my soul hopefully I will recover from this......Ha!!!! it got a little bit brighter!!!!