The end of the waiting

My soul body recovered a little bit ....but isn't the soul that one thing that need's extremely long to recover???....

How long has it been since I came her? long I think....but there's no way out of her...the only thing I can do is wait ........I don't even try to count how long it has been but to create your own mindscape create eleven sub-mind's and collect so much spiritual energy that it becomes liquid take's a lot of time for that.............I think it's time to change the energy crystal the old one is full...........

There!!!!! I see something in the wide space of the White Void!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...a little blue dot in the infinite white....I move as fast as i can in that direction.....the blue dot get's bigger and bigger ...I can feel the space moving.....I get sucked in the blue.....I cant call it dot anymore more like in 10.....9...8.....7...6....5...4.....3...2....1.........

Dark.....and warm.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN FEEL!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS AWESOME HAHAHAHA.....I'm alive again...I can hear a rhythmic pulse most likely my mother's heartbeat....hehehe...I use a microscopic amount of my collected spiritual energy to make a full body scan.....the feedback says that I'm a human but there's something different...In my gene code I see a gene that looks like it is dormant....I check if my mother also has this gene.....

Yes she also has it but a little different from mine.....also her's fully awakened!...I invade the gene with my spiritual energy to understand it better....hmm..that gene is something similar to the X-gene from Mutants in Marvel but also different...this one activates after a set time and doesn't need any other influences to awake.....that means that I can get superpowers!!! hahaha....

Let's take a closer look at this gene of mine maybe I can change or upgrade it.

Hmm this is really interesting it looks like the gene inherited from my parent's....My mother's ability is to take on characteristics of a father has a ability that has something to do with healing but I cant be sure because he isn't near me at the moment...

I could find that out trough my own ability that is to be able to shot spiderweb from my hand's and a higher regeneration.....How could I!!!!Accept!!! this lousy ability as the mine!!!.....time to upgrade it....I copy my mother's ability and change mine so that I can transform any part of my body in that of a I initiate a lot of spiritual energy in the part that represent my begin's to mutant in variant of different things....I control the direction in which the mutation goes with my energy to make sure it doesn't fail....

Yes that's something that I can live with.The mutation ended and the end product is the ability to evolve at extremely fast pace and adapt to every environment.....while I wait to be born I Listen to the conversation of the people outside and the heart beat of my mother to learn an get my feeling of time back..........

It is finally time to get back to life....the birth hurts but I don't even feel it.....thank's to my experience of different novels I cry obediently so that they let me be and don't slap me on my that's my mother? she look's beautiful with her violet eyes and the raven black hair of her's....beside her I can see a man that most likely is my father....he is 1,90 tall and has short brown hair.....I lie in the arm's of my mother an she says in a weak voice

,,What name do we give your little angel? Carverus,, My father responds in a warm tone

,, How does Angela sound's to you my love,, My mother look's long at me and then nods with a happy smile on her face.....

Yeah...I didn't look at that and so it took me by surprise.....I'm a girl......well it can't be that bad but still it comes quit shocking in my mind.....but I just make the best out of it......after a day of boredom my mother finally take's me home....this world is quit advanced from what I can home my mother put's me in a crib and goes out of the room.....

I use my spiritual energy and create something like a domain with a radius of 50 meters were I can sens everything within....with this I spy on the neighbors and saw something that makes me think that my mental health is rally low right now because I saw how those 30-50 year old people sit before the television and cheer for a fat man in spandex with a black mask that fight's a person with a lot of tentacles coming from his head!!!!!!