Surrounded by Trash

The conversation Tycondrius was having with Zenon reminded him of similar back-and-forths with the other Sol Invictus members... notably the Titanblood buffoon Dragan Ashlord and the Void-worshipping Daeva, Tarquin Wroe. However, Centurion Zenon Skyreaper was no fool...

...At least that was something Tycon desperately wished to be true. 

Perhaps Tycon had misspoken during the conversation... That was the reason for getting such asinine answers. Yes, that was it...

"Yeah, Optio!" Zenon raised an eyebrow, "House Vanzano! The house of Sanctum Parmularius Maximus-- the greatest gladiator known to Ezyria."

Tycon couldn't help but inwardly applaud the arrangements of Archbishop Natalya Crucis. It was not enough to rely on his honor as an adventurer or his sincerity in completing Queen Rylania's objectives. The quest Natalya engineered was one that Tycon would have a personal desire to succeed to the best of his ability.