
The white-haired footman straightened his back, seeing two gentlemen approach, one armored, one cloaked... Tycondrius found it amusing that they resembled another Knight and Rogue. 

The young man nodded warily, scrutinizing them both, "Good afternoon. How can I help you?"

Tycon rested his halberd against his shoulder and unbuckled the top of his cloak to reveal the Decanus armor underneath. At least the armor and weaponry worn by himself and Zenon were far more professional than the footman's previous numbskulls. 

"Zenon, Iron-Rank Librarian," The Centurion gave a friendly smile. "Long-range caster."

"Tycon. I operate as an Iron-Rank Tactician. Mid-range support," Tycon stated. 

"Ah, you guys are here for recruitment," The footman smiled... but disappointment was evident in his eyes. "Tanamar, Iron-Rank Holy Lancer, footman of House Vanzano. Thank you two for being professional-- haven't had much of that, recently."