Magical Appearance

Zenon grimaced as his gaze passed over Tycondrius and Karodin both, "What... what should we do now? Optio?"

Tycon shook his head, "We still have to return-- unless a powerful enough mage magically appears to help us."

"Ahem," The sound of a man clearing their throat put the trio on edge, and they naturally took outward defensive positions. 

"Whoa! Hold on!" A hooded mage in black-and-silver robes appeared in a gout of silvery flames, "I'm an ally!"

⟬ Photios, Iron-Rank Human Silver Pyromancer. Guild Brazen Guard. ⟭ 

"You're alive!" Zenon cheered, "Thought we lost you, man!"

"Haha, yeah..." Photios grinned somewhat awkwardly, "I wasn't sure I was gonna make it, to be honest."

Tycon narrowed his eyes, somewhat relaxing his guard but not re-sheathing his sword. The Pyromancer had arrived alone. His group lay dead upon the frozen lake. Something had happened... but the presence of Photios would factor well into their mission's completion.