
"Sir Ty..." Athena waved her hand, deflecting a pinecone with her ⌈Frost Shield⌋, "I have a question?"

"Ask away, young lady," Tycondrius tossed up another pinecone in a gentle arc, which the young lady also blocked easily. He was slowly increasing the speed of his projectiles, training Athena's ability to react while still holding her concentration on her spheres and levitation... "Also, don't call me that."

"Um, alright." Athena pursed her lips, "Sir Tycon, you're friends with Mister Z, right?"

"We are friends, yes," Tycon tossed a pinecone in a high arc. Athena would have to be mindful of its trajectory as she responded. 

"D'oh," Even though she was watching for it, the pinecone bounced off the top of her head. The young lady idly rubbed where it struck, "Doesn't he seem... kinda sad, lately?"

"Is that so?" Tycon pitched another... aimed at her abdomen instead of her head.