
Priestess Ariadne pointed accusingly, "Look, Fel! You scared Mister Tactician!"

Tycondrius narrowed his eyes. He wasn't scared. That was ridiculous. 

"We must exercise a healthy amount of caution," Hunter Felinus warned with a grave expression. "The Dread Wraith's very existence weakens the boundary between the corporeal world and the Plane of Shadows. Balance must be returned."

"Eh, should be a simple fight," Bannok shrugged. "Won't be an easy one, but it'll be simple. Tell 'em, Hero."

Tanamar was finishing up his plate of spiced marinated beef, caught off guard by Bannok's questioning. He hastily swallowed, washing the bite down with wine, "Ahem... Yeah, it's a pretty straightforward fight. We enchant our weapons with Spiritbane and we survive the illusions."