Certainly an Illusion

Tycon slogged along in the white storm, stepping into snow banks that reached his knees. He was somewhat miserable for being in an illusion... but he tried not to let the details bother him. 

He jostled his waterskin to ensure it wouldn't freeze too quickly, taking a small sip from it. He rubbed his face to keep warm. He thought of better times. 

...and he thought of how concerned he would be if he were caught in an actual blizzard. 

Tycon continued walking forward in one direction. There was no one else around, no footprints or other signs of life. There was no shelter in sight-- no trees or valley walls, either. His only consolation was in judging that the snowfall and the harsh winds would soon calm. 

The situation was absurd-- most certainly an illusion. 

If it was a teleportation-type spell, there would have been some sort of magical signature hinting at it-- there was not.