Ten Thousand Years

Tycondrius stared thoughtfully at the haphazard pile Suka had summoned... 

Choose a weapon? How asinine... 

He could perform effective murder with any standard military weapon. 

But still... having the freedom of choice was a luxury. 

Walking over, he began sifting through the assortment. Thankfully, when he delved through his memories with Sasarame's help, he grew familiar with more than a few of the unique, enchanted Sol Invictus weaponry Suka provided...

The most easily identifiable was a flat, massive, and blunt weapon-- ugly and with a dull edge. 

Its name was Dread. 

Dragan called it... a sword. He was the only member of Sol Invictus with the strength to wield it as such. The Titanblood had once told him the black, light-swallowing metal was called... 'Infant Annihilator'... supposedly the 'death-liest' metal known to the Realm. 

With no knowledge otherwise, Tycon accepted it as fact.