True Face of Sol Invictus

Tycondrius opened his eyes... and looked for a change amongst his companions. 

Dragan shook his head, his red-mop of hair flapping about. It was reminiscent of a wet dog shaking its fur, "What the hells...? OHH!! BURNING TOWN!! BOSS!! Are we the ones doin' the BURNINATING?!?"

"No, not this time," Tycon smirked. "Snake Cultists are attacking this human town."

"Tch," Zuko sneered. "What trash fire mages do these losers have? I could burn down this whole street with two spells-- no survivors."

"C-come on, Zuko! Aha..." Quay laughed nervously. "Like Tycon says, we're here to save people! To be HEROES!!" 

The Elven Pathfinder placed his hands on his hips, pushing his chest out and smiling radiantly. 

"Shut up, Quay," Zuko rolled his eyes. 

"Ahaha HAHAHAW!!" Dragan loosed a laugh, deep and boisterous, "Shut up, QUAYYY!"

"Oh, come onnnn, guys!!" The sandy-blonde elf whined. "Tyconnnn! Tell 'em!!"