Don’t Care

The elf in the distance had two long, straight-blades and... he moved around the battlefield like he was dancing. He swayed back and forth like waves in water. He leapt into the air, spinning in the wind. He even did a flip. And then he did ANOTHER flip! He was like a flipping GOD!! 

Every motion... Lone desperately tried to burn into his memory. He couldn't see exactly what the elf was doing... how he was moving his sword... how he moved his body like it was to the tune of primal, yet graceful violence. 

But everything he did-- ever tiny movement he made... cultists fell. It was like... they suddenly got tired of living. And when they were stopped moving, red lines would appear on their bodies and their limbs or heads would just... split off. Blood shot out of their bodies like... they had waterspouts that shot blood instead of water. Bloodspouts. 

No... It wasn't Pale... it was... 

Who in the seven hells was that guy?