We Killed Your Boss

"Boss??" Lone rubbed his eyes with the back of his wrists, "What just happened?"

"Ah, Mister Lone..." Tycon looked over as if he hadn't noticed him. 

"So you're Lone!" Dragan exclaimed, "EYYYYY!!"

Lone returned Dragan's pointing, "That's me! EYYYY!" 

Tycon furrowed his brows, "Mister Dragan, do you even know who this man is?"


Wait. That didn't make sense? Dragan's initial response seemed overly familiar? 

"Right..." Tycon turned back to him. "Mister Lone, start making your way through the catacombs with Mister Raphael... and take Bannok with you, if he's willing. 

"Find the underground river. Defend it until the rest of the Brazen Guard arrive. Escape."

"Alright... Got it, Boss..." He nodded, clenching his fist in confidence, "But how will I get there from here?"

Lone saw it in slow motion-- Tycon's hand reaching out to grab his forehead. But instead of a face-crushing grip, he felt... nothing.