Rumbling Thrum

Lone looked to him with pleading eyes. Did... he really not know? 

Tycondrius mulled the thought over. 

His advising of Lone on pursuing Coraline's favor was counterintuitive to Arod Highblade's wishes. However, he valued the contentedness and welfare of his companion more than he cared to impress an Elven highborne. 

He swept back his hair, deliberating on his words... "I advise you to open a dialogue with your target of affection."

Lone sighed... but kept a thin smile, "I guess I have to be a Ranger, then."

"Yes, Mister Lone..." Tycon rolled his eyes, "That will be your general goal in this life."

Lone loosed a noisy yawn... "I'm tired, Boss. You goin' to bed soon?"

"Likely... I'd like to focus on this mystery box for a bit longer. And besides that, I might... take a walk, so to speak, to inspect the formations on the ship."