Open Door

Footsteps approached the door from the opposite side.

With so much noise that they'd been making, Coraline found it odd that neither Tychon nor Lone had emerged until then. 

The young, green-haired noble opened the door, his yellow eyes reflecting the dim lamplight, "Good evening... ladies and gentlemen. Is something amiss?"

At the same time, the groaning growls from within his room intensified and grew clear. 

"I apologize for interrupting your rest, young master," Nikandros bowed his head. 

"No... there is no trouble..." Tychon raised an eyebrow. "I have been working on a certain puzzle box... though it should be quite obvious why I would not have heard any commotion in the halls."

"That..." The Captain put on an embarrassed smile, "Is... your companion, Mister Lone... in good health?"

Mister Lone?

Were the sounds in the room from his snoring or his death rattles?