Bearing Gifts

"⌈Lux et VERITAS!!⌋" The Archbishop thrust her palm forward, a golden orb of radiant mana condensed in her hand. 

Tycondrius nodded in appreciation. It looked quite dangerous. 

Lone immediately dove out of the way, sliding clumsily on the waxed and polished floor and hiding underneath a bench. 

Ignoring his Ranger, Tycon seated himself on the hardwood chair opposite Natalya. There was no seat cushion and the Archbishop's high-backed chair was raised compared to his... but he was used to sitting on stone to converse with far more... intimidating allies. 

"Did you get my message?" Tycon smirked. 

The Archbishop growled, slamming her palm into her desk. She forcibly quenched her offensive spell. That was quite nice of her, as it was very capable of severely injuring Tycon and obliterating her very nice door. 

"Tycondrius..." Natalya's voice dripped with displeasure. "Had I known you were coming, I'd have arranged to crucify you before sundown."