
The Archbishop had circled around her desk, sitting on its edge in front of Tycondrius. She crossed her long legs while she brandished a sharpened dagger. 

She seemed determined to make him feel as unsafe as possible, alone in her presence. 

"Tell me why you're here," She said. "And if you say it's to bed me, I will execute you immediately."

Tycon tilted his head, "I suppose that's because you already knew?"

Natalya casually flipped the dagger forward. 


He carefully caught the rotating blade with his thumb and forefinger. Having successfully protected his vulnerable genitals, Tycon then tossed it aside. 

The woman followed the blade with her eyes, watching it sink into the wood of her planning table... It marked a certain Ezyrian trade hub. 

"Ahem," Tycon cleared his throat. "The Brazen Guard were recently assigned a mission that furthered the agenda of the Snake Cult."