Sly Rogue

⟬ The Basilica, Inner Courtyard. ⟭ 

Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark, mulled about the outdoor temple grounds, walking with as much confidence as he could manage. 

If the members of the Church found out he was trespassing, he'd either get thrown back in prison or get crucified. Either would be... really bad. 

Being around so many armed and armored enforcers was nerve-wracking. It seemed he'd arrived while most of them were taking part in mid-sun martial training.

A Centurion challenged him. Barely able to keep his composure, Lone stated that he worked for Decanus Tycon, who worked for Archbishop Crucis. 

He was left alone after that. The Archbishop seemed to have a frightening... reputation. It made him slightly worry about his boss... but if anyone he knew could survive against her, it would be Sir Tycon.