You Should Know

Scared as she was, Croesa looked towards High Oracle Troia... her rock, her protector, the girl revered by all the Flame-fearing peoples of the Holy Country. 

[Fear not,] Lady Troia signed, [Our Hero will protect us.]

"I'm... really sorry about this, guys," Pale smiled with chagrin, "But don't worry. I won't let either of you get hurt, for sure."

His words almost made Croesa cry again... 

The legendary Hero of Tyrion swore an oath to protect the High Oracle with his life. But... the best thing about Pale is that he was... a good person. 

He'd even promised to protect her-- and she was only a nameless acolyte, only good for translating sign language. 

"Talk to me, Natalya," Decanus Tycon growled. 

"Talk? You had your chance, Tycondrius," Lady Crucis sneered in disgust, "The time for talk is OVER!! Flame ETERNAL, may this ⌈Lance of Faith⌋ cut through the heart of this NONBELIEVER!!"