On Her Behalf

As Haelvia entered the command tent, Optio Phaedra stood up from the central table. 

It was unusual to see the woman without her helmet... but seeing how tight her braided bun was made Haelvia's own scalp hurt. 

"Immunes Haelvia of Leopardon," She saluted, "reporting as ordered." 

"At ease," Phaedra gave a quick return-salute before turning her nose up in disgust, "And what took you so *Flame-taken* long, Immunes?" 

Haelvia chopped her salute down and assumed a neutral stance, "Good afternoon, Optio. Centurion. I ran straight here as soon as I received the summons."

In truth, she took an easy, relaxing jog over... 

Haelvia knew Optio Phaedra well. The woman was the female instructor who oversaw her several weeks of combat training. If any recruits dared to *walk* in her presence, she took it as personal offense. 

'Move with a purpose,' she'd say.