
Haelvia crossed her arms, tapping on her bicep.

The Centurion asked... if Loki was here on her behalf.

The honest answer was... a resounding 'no.'

...but was that the *correct* answer? 

Loki looked down for a moment... and smirked, "Yeah?"

Raising his head, he pointed his chin towards the disgruntled Centurion and patted his palms against his chest, "So... what if I am?"

His bluster reminded Haelvia of... a scared hen raising its hackles. 

Whatever he was trying to do, it wasn't appropriate in front of their present company... whether it was the Centurion's role as the man in charge of his pay or as the strongest, most veteran, and most undeniably alpha wolf in their hundred-pup pack. 

The cold, glowing eyes of the wolf helmet had focused on her. 

Haelvia smiled half-heartedly... She took special care not to bare her teeth, just in case the Centurion might see that as a sign of aggression.