Playing the Game

Benji grinned as he watched the elf squirm. 

Even though the mage didn't know it yet, she was already out of options-- without hope. 

The stupid b*tch even looked straight at the alleyway. 

Earlier, he and Boss Porter scoped out the restaurant and the surroundings. The biggest reason they chose to engage was that they could cover the back exit-- the only logical place Coraline could run. 

And if she tried to do just that... she'd probably piss herself when she ran into a man five times her size. 

It'd probably be hi-f*ckin-larious, too. 

The big behemoth, Doan, was waiting for her there... ready to stick something hard down her throat-- something with an edge on it. 

That was how the Bone Rats operated. Smart. Logical. Once they got a contract... they only chose to play if they could win before any of the cards were dealt. 

Then there was Porter, sitting and smiling... the calm hiding the shite-storm to come.