Game Over

The blonde woman was well over six fulms tall... and built like a warhorse that did nothing but work the fields and eat children. 

She wasn't wearing metal armor... but with so much meat on her, she might as well have been. She was definitely some kind of Martial Class, too... as she had a sword on her waist and her left arm had a big metal half-shield strapped to it. 

Whether or not he or Porter could take her didn't matter. It wouldn't be quick... and even if they had any intel on the big woman's identity, Porter did f*ck all to share it. If the woman was a protege of Sol Invictus member Dragan, then she might have been able to take care of the entire Bone Rat Gang all by herself... 

Benji didn't sign up for that. None of the rats did. 

It was time to go. 

"Hey, Ellie!" The elf girl's voice rose in excitement. "Mister Porter, here, just wanted to talk to me about something. And the others..."