
With a flick of his wrist, Porter crushed the magic pearl in his hand. 

Benji immediately crinkled his nose and tried to kill off the urge to gag. The sharp stink barely lasted half a second... but it made him think of a wild animal's guts being charred in a flame. 

Tyco narrowed his yellow eyes... but they grew out of focus, as if he were staring a thousand-yalms away. The magic was designed to be subtle, so there weren't any other noticeable effects... but Benji had no reason to believe it didn't work. 

It was impossible for a normal human being to resist a Third-Circle spell-- assuming the black-armored adventurer was human. And even if he wasn't... it's not like the black-armored adventurer was a Caster Class. 

"What's that?" The big woman asked. 

"That... is a Power Pearl," Tyco answered in a flat, measured tone... "It can be charged with a single spell... to be released upon a trigger determined at its creation."