Forgotten Hero

Elle began to stir.

As for the reason... it was likely because the two gentlemen, Tycondrius and Ravidius, did not know how to keep silent in the presence of a convalescing patient. 

The Titanblood woman half-sat up in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes... "T... tychon?" 

Tycon positioned himself to ensure he was the first thing his beloved saw. Waking up in a strange place was a jarring experience... but not so much if she could rely on at least one stable point of familiarity. 

"Did you rest well, my love?"

"Oh... oh, Tychon..." Elle pulled him close for a hug, burying her face into his chest... "I just had... the most terrible nightmare."

Tycon gently stroked the back of her head, untangling golden strands of her messy ponytail, "A nightmare, you say?" 

"Y-yeah..." She sighed, "I was attacked... and... I... I did everything you taught me to do... but I got caught in the end-- by a Witch who wielded an evil crimson staff."