Song & Dance

Elle sat up, flinging her fluffy covers away. She was clearly unhappy with Hero Ravidius. 

"But you could have just... made me move!" She whined, "Or- or... push me out of the way? WHY then, did you make me do that weird dance?"

A dance? That caught Tycondrius' attention. 

"Ze very specific dance-like movements were to disable ze trap in Room 18," Ravidius explained. "Had you failed to do so... ze Gold-Rank Eye Tyrant statues would have animated and turned your bones to gelatin!"

Tycon raised his hand, "I would like to see this dance."

"Th... that," Elle turned away, blushing furiously, "that's not gonna happen..."

Tycon turned back to Ravidius, "Tell me of this dance."

"It's very... cute?" The lion paused in thought... "Allow me to show you but one of ze... techniques."