Prologue (Part One)

All heroes bear the burden of responsibility.

It would... have been a great disservice to leave things undone before returning home. 

It took... a great deal of work and effort.

Not every quest was completed perfectly... and it would be a lie to say that a majority of them ended particularly well.

Some died. Many were hurt.

Perfection... only exists in hopes and dreams. 

Oftentimes the goal was... completing the quest, any way they could. 

Failing that, it was... survive. 

But survive, they did. 

Scarred physically and emotionally-- but alive. 

That was enough. 

It had been a long journey for Jiang Ying Yue... but Moon Crescent Isle finally came into view. 

The home of the Hidden Lake sect was a huge place in its own right... but the world of the Outsiders was many times larger.