Prologue (Part Two)

Jiang Ying Yue pushed the paper door wide open, "IIIIII'M BACK, B*TCHESSSS!!!" 

At her side, Wang Lei was cradling his head in his hands, "Sister... why?"

The main room was nothing like Ying Yue expected. 

Usually, it was filled with... servants gossiping or... her cousins doing boring things like... knitting? 

Poetry? Sharing poetry wouldn't have been surprising. 

Instead, the whole room was filled with... sect elders. They sat on long discussion tables, with the Sect Leader at the head on Father's chair.. 

And... it wasn't just men and women from the Jiang family. There were representatives from the Liang, the Chen, and both Zhou families too... 

Mother fainted almost immediately. 


Father-- that is, Jiang Yuanbo, stood up amongst the crowd... his mouth twitching, "Ladies and gentlemen... it seems my... prodigal daughter has returned."