Authority of the Elf God

Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark, was floating in the air somewhere in the middle of a dark forest. Light spilled through the leaves above. From below, the sweet scent of charcoal wafted up...

--but it was the coppery stink of blood that stuck to the inside of his nose. 

On the forest floor, he saw... an elf.

He looked strong. 

The elf's skin was dark-- about the same shade as his own. 

He wore a similar set of armor too...

However-- unlike him, he looked like a total loser. He was getting his butt-kicked by some green guy. 

⋖ It... pains me greatly to say this... ⋗ 

It seemed like poop-leaf was still talking straight to his mind. 

⋖ but... I cannot win this fight on my own. ⋗ 

Lone wanted to cover his ears with his hands... but it seemed like he was no longer in control of his body. 

⋖ I... need... your help, Lone Shadowdark. ⋗