Too Much

Poop-leaf was dead. 

To Barza Keith... the Lone Shadowdark, it had become an in-consolable, in-conceivable fact. 

He wasn't even sure if those were real words-- but that was the best way to describe what his heart felt!! 

Only the strongest beings could turn into leaves and pull people outside of their bodies-- obviously. 

Since the naked green guy beat off poop-leaf... that meant they were really, FREAKIN' strong!

Lone felt sweat start to drip down from his forehead. 

Because he wasn't thinking straight, he'd said some really messed-up things! 

It wasn't too late for him to take it back, though! 

"I mean... I'm not saying you're wrong, uh... Sir," Lone bowed his head, "I mean to say... you're incorrect."

Did that work? 

A slow, embarrassed smile crossed Lone's face. 

That had to work! 

The green guy didn't look too happy, though...