Flight Certified

"Commander," Ashlynn interrupted. "With all due respect, the Sapphire Tower doesn't teach advanced rune languages until--"

Tycon shoved his palm in front of the Witchling's face.

"Stop. Talking," he ordered, "Certain things are at stake, Witchling-- and I. Will. Not.  be denied."

Tycon withdrew his hand, raising it aside his head...

--and he snapped his fingers. 

⟬ ⌈Commander's Strike⌋ activated. ⟭

A fiery glow illuminated Coraline's eyes. 

"I... I can read it?" she cried, "But... why??"

She smashed her palm against the wall, the smooth stone bricks crumbling away. The lines of the Spell Circle Formation remained in the air, adopting her fiery glow. 

"What's happening?!" Ashlynn screamed. 

"There are benefits to being contracted to a Primordial Entity," Tycon explained.