Lizard Temple

When people think of a Sapphire Tower Witch, they think of the girl in the posters. 

Teenage girl. Big hat. Flying on a broomstick. Raining down starshine and rainbows. 

That was essentially... Cortlyn's Iota Squad. 

Lots of other flights fit that model, too. 

But there was only so much a Witch could do by herself. 

Magical constructs as vehicles for wartime combat was not a novel concept. 

The Sapphire Tower put its own magical spin on it, though-- which was not something that was common knowledge. 

From training and flight time to construct customization, optimization, and fine-tuning-- not to mention the scores of genius arcano-techs involved with each and every war machine, the finest Divine Armor pilots in the Realm belonged to the Sapphire Tower. 

Or, to be more specific... 

--they were the Ace Pilots of Alpha Squad. 

Cortlyn sighed as she descended toward their camp.