Shadow Snake Summon

For Tycondrius to allay his unabating concerns, he sought a caster versed with ⌈Speak with Dead⌋... 

It was a simple enough Spell...

He could improvise a ritual to achieve a similar effect... but he was not confident in forcing a hostile spirit to render obedience. 

Bella could also freehand a ritual in her own style. 

--But there was a non-zero chance she'd inadvertently tear open a rift to a plane of death and the dead. 

Such would be doing Hades a grave disservice. 

Shaman... Bone Oracle... they were relatively common Classes in the Free Nation, but the Sapphire Tower didn't have any active Witches that fit the criteria. 

They didn't even have any Priests... or any other Classes that could be reasonably affiliated with death. 

Tycon furrowed his brows. 


"Ugggh," Bella groaned, "Tycon, why are you *so* against a freakin' shoulder massage? Like, you have no idea, but the knots on my back--"