Brain Fog

"(Spit him out, Master!)" Izzy pleaded, "(Even if you crushed his bones, tore him up into thirteen pieces, and turned him into your breeding slave, I can't live without my friend!!)"

"I have done *none* of those things," Tycondrius said as his palm found his face, "How... in the seven hells could you *possibly* come to... any of those conclusions??"

Bella hummed from the sidelines, "Hmm. Seems like you're more popular in the human courts than the snake dens."

"Please don't judge the entirety of my people based on these two," Tycon sighed. "Child, who is in charge of you?"

"(Eh? It's Monty.)"

Azalea was not a liar. 

However, that did not prevent her from being wrong. 

"And... who is in charge of Anthemon?"

"(Umm. That would be... Lady... Suka?)"

Azalea spoke of the youngest Shadow Snake Princess. That child was once infatuated with him-- or at least the him who fought in the gladiator arenas.