Demon Queen

Lulu closed her eyes, shrugging and shaking her head. 

"My, my~ So much *effort* put into killing a guy we--"

Tycon waved to stop her, "That's enough, Miss Lulu."

The demon woman shifted her weight, resting her hand on her hip, "Ohh~hh?"

Her rising intonation scalded Tycon's mood.

...but it was also terribly consistent of her character. 

"The identity of that person," Tycon said... then shook his head-- "no... That corpse has no relation to our Sol Invictus."

Lulu seemed unconvinced. She continued to stare as if Tycon had more to say. 

"Break the body apart," Tycon said, averting his gaze. "Have Jægerin's troops consume the pieces... and do whatever else you believe appropriate to prevent any possibility of their return."

Lulu waited another moment before realizing it was useless. 

"Fine, fine~" she waved. 

"A single 'fine' is enough."