Troia’s Command

The traditionally attractive, curly-haired blonde woman stood up from the full liquor bar and walked over with her usual, hip-swaying gait. 

"Good morning, Boss," Lulu said, raising her drink in a toast. 

In her hand was a stylish glass cup filled with a vibrant concoction. Franz was useless for most everything, but he had some skill in a particular modern magic... something he referred to as 'mixology.'

Perhaps that was why Tycondrius kept him around...

He steadily got to his feet. 

Considering recent events, he should have been under the effects of mana exhaustion. 

That he was not... was highly suspicious. 

"Report," he growled. 

"It's all gravy in the Plane of Flamey, Boss," said the demon woman. 

She added a coquettish wink that was probably supposed to be charming. 

The statement (and the physical gesture)... told him absolutely nothing. 

He took a moment to examine his body... then his mana circuits.