Troublesome Escort

That silhouette...

It was... quite fast. 

So much that Tycondrius was beginning to feel somewhat intimidated. 

His heart was afflicted by a burgeoning concern. 

If the enemy delayed him for--



Oh, no.

It wasn't an enemy. 

It was an idiot. 

That was... potentially worse. 

Tycon shifted his travel direction 45 degrees, hoping to slip away unnoticed. He'd correct his course sometime later. 

"Come back, Mister!" shouted the idiot, "I wanna look at'chu!"

"That won't be necessary!" Tycon yelled back, flipping his tail and paddling his tiny Sea Serpent fins. His fatigue had left him, replaced by desperation. 

However, Iyuri was several times faster than he was. 

The notion was absurd. 

His ability to adopt a Sea Serpent's form was thanks to Iyuri having granted him a drop of her essence.